Background And Purpose: Incorporation of aseptic technique validation testing in a pharmacy curriculum consistent with United States Pharmacopeia Chapter 797 Standards is not well described. Validation testing is optimally placed prior to assignment to health-system introductory and advanced pharmacy practice experiences.
Educational Activity And Setting: Environmental and engineering controls consistent with a segregated compounding area were implemented.
Objective: To determine whether aseptic compounding errors were reduced at the end of the third professional year after modifying pharmacy practice laboratories and implementing an institutional introductory pharmacy practice experience (IPPE).
Design: An aseptic compounding laboratory, previously occurring during the third-year spring semester, was added to the second-year spring semester. An 80-hour institutional IPPE was also added in the summer between the second and third years.
Objective: To determine volunteer preceptors' perceived value and desired frequency of quality assurance visits by experiential education faculty members.
Methods: An electronic survey instrument was sent to 235 volunteer preceptors.
Results: A 71.