Given the lack of sufficient studies exploring the nature of sleep problems from the perspective of the alternative model of personality disorders (AMPD) proposed by the DSM-5, the present study is aimed at determining the associations between five trait domains such as negative affectivity and sleep problems (insomnia, parasomnia, hypersomnia, circadian rhythm sleep disorder, restless legs syndrome, and sleep-disordered breathing) in an adult population. Adults aged 18-65 from western Iran were invited to the study via virtual platforms (N = 928; 62% female) and responded online to the Brief Form of Personality Inventory for DSM-5 and the Holland Sleep Disorder Questionnaire to assess sleep problems. The regression analyses indicated that the AMPD trait domains could significantly predict both specific sleep problems (R ranges from 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: It seems that personality and dreams are relatively stable interwoven constructs that show many shared characteristics across cultures. The present study aimed to predict the emotional load and content of dreams using both original constructs and two extracted spectrum factors of adaptive and maladaptive personalities.
Methods: The cross-sectional study data was collected from 704 Iranian adults using the brief version of the Personality Inventory for , the brief version of the Big Five Inventory, , and the .
Difficulty falling asleep and/or maintaining sleep are common complaints in patients visiting medical clinics. Insomnia can occur alone or in combination with other medical or psychiatric disorders. Diagnosis and management of insomnia at times are perplexing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Sleep apnea (SA) and insomnia (INS) are prevalent sleep disorders among referrals to sleep clinics. People with comorbid insomnia and sleep apnea (COMISA) suffer both disorders simultaneously. The epidemiology of COMISA is not well known in the Middle East including Iran.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Psychopathology research mainly focused on the cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between personality and psychiatric disorders without considering the moment-to-moment dynamics of personality in response to environmental situations. The present study aimed to both cluster a young sample according to three mixed clinical conditions (poor sleep quality, depression, and somatization) and to predict the derived clusters by maladaptive personality traits and sex differences using a deep machine learning approach.
Methods: A sample of 839 adults aged 18-40 years (64% female) from the west of Iran were clustered according to the mixed clinical conditions using the cluster analysis techniques.
With the substantial increase in the use of stimulants, especially methamphetamine, in recent years, the present study aimed to cluster methamphetamine users based on personality traits and self-efficacy, and compare their mental health, sleep quality, and the risk of relapse in the identified clusters. This cross-sectional study was conducted through convenience sampling on 501 methamphetamine users in addiction treatment centers in Kermanshah, western Iran. The data were collected using the Schwarzer General Self-Efficacy Scale, Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire, Goldberg and Hiller General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire, and Stimulant Relapse Risk Scale (SRRS).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHierarchical psychopathology contributes to providing a broader picture of the links between emerging personality structures such as the DSM-5/ICD-11 trait models and clinical disorders. The present study aimed to predict the specific and general clinical symptoms by the less studied constructs of the ICD-11 model (negative affectivity, detachment, dissociality, disinhibition, and anankastia). Data from 642 young adults from Iran (63% female, 18-34 years) were collected by three mental symptom scales and the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5), which was recently used to harmonize the constructs of the DSM-5 and ICD-11 trait models.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPsychological flexibility has recently attracted the attention of researchers in the field of sleep disorders; therefore, in the study, psychological flexibility was evaluated as a predictor or factor related to the presence/severity of insomnia. We included 2218 individuals selected from the randomized-control trial for behavioural therapy for insomnia and cross-sectional studies, including 1797 individuals with insomnia and 421 controls without insomnia. All participants completed the DSM-5-based insomnia diagnosis interview, Insomnia Severity Index, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and Acceptance Action Questionnaire-II.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFScientific evidence and everyday experience show that sleep disturbances and self-regulation as a proxy of stress reactivity are linked. Particular personality traits such as neuroticism, internalizing and externalizing problems are also associated with sleep disturbances. Here, we combined self-regulation and personality traits and associated these variables with subjective sleep disturbances.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The cut points of psychological tools to diagnose clinical conditions are not universal and depend on the region and prevalence of the disorder. Thus, we aimed to identify the cutoff points of the Persian original version of the personality inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5; 220 items) that would optimally distinguish nonclinical from clinical groups.
Methods: Both nonclinical (N = 634, 73% female, 34.
Near-death experiences (NDEs) greatly change the lives of Near-death experiencers (NDErs); however, the influence of the knowledge of these experiences on other people is unclear. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the effects of knowledge of NDEs on various aspects of life and the sleep quality of those without NDEs. The research population consisted of people aged 12-60 years living in a number of different cities in Iran during 2021.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: Sleep is one of the issues that attracted the attention of researchers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Researchers focused their studies on the prevalence of sleep disorders, sleep quality, and sleep duration. Sleep hygiene is a set of guidelines that play an important role in the sleep quality, the present study sought to evaluate the amount of sleep hygiene and sleep quality in Iranian adolescents and their relationship during the COVID-19 pandemic.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhile there is sufficient evidence that children and adolescents who stutter reported more impaired sleep compared to children and adolescents who did not stutter, findings among adults who stutter (AWS) were scarce. Furthermore, stuttering is associated with issues related to verbal communication in a social context. As such, it was conceivable that AWS reported higher scores for social anxiety, compared to adults who do not stutter (AWNS).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: We believe that major steps can be taken towards Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) prevention through identifying the relevant factors that are apt to predict risky behavior. The main purpose of the present study was to analyze and evaluate the relationship of social support, family functioning, self-efficacy and AIDS risk perception to controlling risky behavior associated with AIDS.
Methods: To conduct this cross-sectional study, 765 subjects (59% female) were selected from the youth inhabiting the western provinces of Iran through cluster sampling.
Background And Aims: The objectives of the study were (i) cluster analysis of risky behaviors; (ii) determining correlates; and (iii) comparing clusters with regard to the attitude toward mental health help seeking.
Methods: The current cross-sectional study is a part of the first phase of the Persian Youth Cohort. From October 2014 to January 2017, 2990 individuals from Ravansar City in western Iran completed structured interviews and national and international standard questionnaires.
Insomnia is a common problem in the general population. To treat insomnia, medication therapies and insomnia-related cognitive-behavioral interventions are often applied. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on sleep quality, dysfunctional sleep beliefs and attitudes, experiential avoidance, and acceptance of sleep problems in individuals with insomnia, compared to a control condition.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: General Self-efficacy is a key variable in clinical, educational, social, developmental, health and personality psychology that can affect the outcomes of people's lives. The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between family functions and personality traits with general self-efficacy among university students and the general population.
Methods: To conduct this two-part study, the first part was carried out on a sample of 500 students, and in the second part the study was repeated on a larger sample consisting of 1000 participants from the general population data were collected from the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE), Family Assessment Device (FAD), and the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R).
Given the harmful effects of insomnia and the need for a better understanding of the disorder as well as providing proper care, the present study aimed to compare the emotional dysregulation and experiential avoidance in patients with insomnia and non-clinical individuals. To conduct the present cross-sectional study, two sample groups were selected randomly. The first group consisted of 100 patients with insomnia who visited the Sleep Disorders Research Center at Farabi hospital in Kermanshah, Iran.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: We aimed to perform a cluster analysis on sleep quality and insomnia severity in addition to predicting the clusters based on personality traits, experiential avoidance, stress, anxiety, depression, and dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes about sleep.
Study Design: A cross-sectional study.
Methods: This study was conducted on earthquake victim in Kermanshah (western Iran) in 2017.