Publications by authors named "Alhumaid M"

: Life satisfaction (LS) is a key aspect of mental well-being, particularly for individuals with physical disabilities (IWPDs).This study examined LS levels among IWPDs in Saudi Arabia, focusing on the effects of three independent variables: (i) sociodemographic factors, (ii) self-reported health and fitness, and (iii) self-assessed physical activity (PA). Data was collected from 271 participants using validated questionnaires.

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Background: While the effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive function are well-documented, its impact on high-intensity endurance performance and underlying neural mechanisms remains underexplored, especially in the context of search and rescue operations where both physical and mental performance are essential. This study examines the neurophysiological basis of sleep deprivation on high-intensity endurance using electroencephalography (EEG). In this crossover study, twenty firefighters were subjected to both sleep deprivation (SD) and normal sleep conditions, with each participant performing endurance treadmill exercise the following morning after each condition.

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The use of fixation screws is a valuable tool in the clinical practice of oral and maxillofacial surgeries. One potential complication of screw placement for fracture fixation is root damage during surgery. In some cases, this damage can further lead to irreversible pulp damage, which requires endodontic and/or surgical intervention.

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Adult acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients under the age of 60 often receive similar intensive treatments, while outcomes between the adolescent and young adult (AYA) age group (18-39) and middle-aged adults (40-60 years) were seldom reported. We aim to study the characteristics and outcomes of AYA patients in comparison to middle-aged adults. A retrospective analysis was performed on AYA patients treated at Princess Margaret Cancer Center between 2008 and 2018.

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Researchers have found that there may be a correlation between physical activity, executive function, and depression for college students with depression. However, there is limited information available regarding the relationship and interaction between subclinical depression, physical activity, and executive function among college students with subclinical depression. The purpose of this study is to assess the correlation and interaction between subclinical depression, physical activity, and executive function in female college students with subclinical depression.

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Background: Participation in sports represents a potent means of empowerment and social inclusion. Nevertheless, women with physical impairments encounter specific challenges in accessing Para sports. The main aim of this study is to present the experiential participation and achievements in sports of women with physical impairments in Saudi Arabia.

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Physical activity (PA) has numerous health benefits for individuals with physical disabilities (IWPD). However, it is common for activity levels to fall below the suggested limits. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence, pattern, and levels of PA among IWPD in Saudi Arabia.

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Physical activity (PA) is crucial for promoting physical, cognitive, and psychosocial health. Unfortunately, children with disabilities spend less time engaging in PA compared to their typically developing peers. Parents play a crucial role in supporting children with disabilities to increase their level of PA.

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Studies on students' perceptions and expectations during physical education (PE) online learning remain scarce. Centered on self-determination theory, the present cross-sectional study aims to identify gender differences and predictors affecting motivation, psychological needs satisfaction (PNS), and academic achievement during PE online learning. Data were collected from Saudi students' (N = 308, 161 females and 147 males) responses to the PE autonomy, relatedness, competence, and motivation questionnaires.

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Measurable residual disease (MRD) monitoring independently predicts long-term outcomes in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Of the various modalities available, multiparameter flow cytometry-based MRD analysis is widely used and relevant for patients without molecular targets. In the transplant (HCT) setting, the presence of MRD pre-HCT is associated with adverse outcomes.

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This study aimed to cross-culturally adapt and validate the Arabic version of the Physical Activity Scale for Individuals with Physical Disabilities (PASIPD) with Saudi Arabian participants. The study encompassed four distinct stages: (i) translation and subsequent back-translation; (ii) a preliminary assessment aimed at evaluating the quality of the translated scale; (iii) an assessment of the reliability of the measures employed; and (iv) a comprehensive examination of the validity of the measures. A sample of Saudi Arabian participants with physical disabilities ( 206) took part, ranging in age from 18 to 70 years old, with an average age of 39.

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Background: Inclusive educational practices enhance engagement among students with disabilities in school settings. This study aimed to investigate: (i) the general attitudes of non-disabled female Saudi Arabian students toward their peers with disabilities, with a particular focus on the general attitudes towards those with hearing disabilities (HD), intellectual disabilities (ID), and behavioral problems (BP), and (ii) the relationships between three selected student-related characteristics (type of school, in-school contact with peers with disabilities, and out-of-school contact with peers with disabilities).

Method: Using a sample of 678 participants aged 7-12 years old, we tested the impact of personal and contextual factors (age, type of peer disability, type of school, in-school interaction with peers with disabilities, and out-of-school interaction with peers with disabilities on the attitudes of non-disabled Saudi Arabian elementary school students using ANCOVA linear regression analysis.

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Background: Respiratory infections are one of the most common comorbidities identified in hospitalized patients. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic greatly impacted healthcare systems, including acute cardiac services.

Aim: This study aimed to describe the echocardiographic findings of patients with COVID-19 infections and their correlations with inflammatory biomarkers, disease severity, and clinical outcomes.

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In this study, we aimed to investigate the prevalence of poor mental health and its association with loneliness and social support among 3531 undergraduate students in nine Asian countries. Mental health was assessed using the Self-Reporting Questionnaire, which was developed by the World Health Organization. Across the entire sample, we detected that nearly half of the students reported poor mental health according to the Self-Reporting Questionnaire and nearly one out of seven students felt lonely.

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Melanoma is an immunogenically active tumor with abundantly expressed lymphoid infiltration. Immunotherapy(IO) has proven as a promising treatment option for melanoma but treatment resistance remains as an issue in the majority of patients.There is emerging evidence that radiotherapy (RT) could modulate the tumor microenvironment, increase antigen presentation, and augment adaptive antitumor immunity.

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Introduction: Medication errors (MEs) are a huge burden on any healthcare system and have been associated with significant morbidity and mortality. The medical literature reported heavily on MEs but lacked focus on analyzing high-risk medications such as antimicrobials.

Research Design And Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of the MEs database reported by the eastern region's medical centers in Saudi Arabia from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019.

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The attitudes of students without disabilities toward their peers with disabilities are considered an important determinant of successful inclusion in physical education settings. Nonetheless, there is limited research on this topic in non-Western societies, especially in Arab contexts. Thus, to address this paucity in the literature, this study aimed to assess the general attitudes of Saudi students without disabilities towards their peers with disabilities and examine the associations between selected student-related variables (e.

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Background: High self-esteem can help people with disabilities overcome barriers and improve their mental health and well-being. This study sought to examine self-esteem levels among Saudis with physical disabilities based on socio-economic factors. It also aimed to determine the minimum weekly duration of physical activity performed by participants and examine its effects, along with those of other socio-economic factors, on participants' self-esteem.

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The attitudes of physical education (PE) teachers toward inclusion are critical to the successful provision of inclusive teaching for students with disabilities. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the attitudes of Saudi Arabian PE teachers toward the inclusion of students with disabilities in PE classes and the effect of sociodemographic variables (e.g.

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Purpose: The study aims to determine the kinematic and kinetic characteristics of the discus throwing competition for the Paralympic record holder in the F33 category, the champion Hani Al-Nakhli, silver medalist in the London 2012 Paralympic and the World Champion in the discus throw (height: 1.71 m, weight: 96 kg, age: 35 years, training age: 14 years).

Methods: The player's performance was photographed during a training session in the middle of the competitive phase of the 2021/2022 season using three GoPro Hero 6 cameras, each set at a frame rate of 60fps.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study examines the effectiveness of online physical education (PE) learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on students' perceptions of psychological need satisfaction (PNS) among Saudi PE students.
  • Results showed that female students reported higher PNS compared to males, and those who engaged in physical activities felt greater autonomy.
  • The investigation found correlations between PNS and factors like experience with online learning, sleep habits, and type of physical activity, while grades (GPA) and PA frequency showed no significant impact.
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The study aimed to determine the effect of reactive agility with the FITLIGHT training system on the speed of the visual reaction time and dribbling skill of basketball players. Participants were divided into an experimental group (n = 10; age, 14.80 ± 0.

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Background: Several studies suggest that health-related physical fitness may play a prominent role in preventing obesity in children and adolescents.

Objectives: The present study examined fitness levels using five components of health-related fitness in Saudi students aged 10-17 years (fat-to-lean mass ratio, cardiorespiratory endurance, upper body strength and endurance, abdominal muscle strength and endurance, and flexibility). Subsequently, the association between BMI and a health-related fitness index (HR-PFI) based on the five fitness components was investigated.

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Background: Patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) are more likely to develop severe course of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection and experience increased risk of mortality compared to SARS-CoV-2 patients without CRC.

Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in CRC patients and analyse the demographic parameters, clinical characteristics and treatment outcomes in CRC patients with COVID-19 illness.

Methods: For this systematic review and meta-analysis, we searched Proquest, Medline, Embase, Pubmed, CINAHL, Wiley online library, Scopus and Nature for studies on the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in CRC patients, published from December 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021, with English language restriction.

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Purpose: Palliative radiotherapy (PRT) in advanced cancer improves symptom control and quality of life. PRT consultations take place in various clinical settings, including through dedicated rapid access clinics. We examined holistic assessment and PRT delivery by consultation setting.

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