Introduction: Severe spondylosis is common and represents contraindication to achieve cervical disc arthroplasty (CDA).
Research Question: Is it possible to restore cervical sagittal alignment using an adequate prosthetic model and performing systematic bilateral total uncuscectomy (or uncinectomy), even in cases of severe spondylosis ?
Material And Methods: We propose a prospective clinical and radiological study comparing the evolution of preoperative and postoperative cervical sagittal balance 1 year after the interposition of a prosthesis with mobile bearing and systematic total uncuscectomy. VAS for brachialgia and cervicalgia, NDI, Odom's criteria, C2-C7 Cobb angle, C2-C7 SVA, T1 slope, C2 slope, C1-C2 Cobb angle, and segmental Cobb angle were analyzed preoperatively and 1 year postoperatively.
Introduction: Cervical disc arthroplasty (CDA) is mainly used in young patients with soft herniated discs and seems to have several advantages over anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF). Severe spondylosis is common and represents a contraindication for performing CDA.
Research Question: Is it possible to expand the indications for the implantation of cervical prostheses by adapting the surgical technique, particularly for severe spondylosis, to benefit from the advantages of prostheses over ACDF ?
Materials And Methods: We propose a prospective two-center study to compare the possible clinical benefit of the placement of a cervical prosthesis with systematic total bilateral uncuscectomy (or uncinectomy) compared to the classical technique of ACDF, particularly for severe spondylosis.
Background: Thermic rhizolysis is a reliable therapy for pharmaco-resistant trigeminal neuralgia (TN). Temperature, duration of electrocautery and needle location can influence the efficacy and complications of the therapy.
Methods: We performed experimental thermocautery on egg white with increasing parameters of time (30-120 s) and temperature (60-95°C); we analysed the shape, size and volume of the thermic lesions produced.