Background: This study evaluated wellness programs in a large hospital network to determine residency program directors' (PDs) perspectives on their wellness programs' state, including wellness prioritization, frequency of wellness activities, and wellness' influence on decision-making across organizational levels.
Methods: In 2021, 211 PDs were sent surveys on program policies, program implementation frequency, perceptions of the administration's ability to prioritize wellness, funding sources, and perceptions of resident wellness' impact on decision-making.
Results: Among 211 contacted programs, 148 surveys were completed (70.
Background: The current research used a qualitative approach to understand which factors facilitate and hinder wellness programming in residency programs.
Methods: Program directors identified from a previous quantitative study as having residency programs with notably more or less resident wellness programming than others (ie, high- and low-exemplars, respectively) were contacted. In total, semi-structured interviews were conducted over Zoom with 7 low-exemplars and 9 high-exemplars.