In this paper, we discuss fitness landscape evolution of permanent replicator systems applying the hypothesis that the specific time of evolutionary adaptation of system parameters is much slower than the time of internal evolutionary dynamics. In other words, we suppose that the extremal principle of Darwinian evolution based on Fisher's fundamental theorem of natural selection is valid for the steady-states of permanent replicator systems. Various cases illustrating this concept are considered.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this study, we examine the process of fitness landscape evolution of the hypercycle system. We assume that the parameters that define the fitness landscape change in order to maximize the mean fitness of the system. The environmental influence is expressed as resource limitation: we formalize it as a restriction on the fitness matrix coefficients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this paper, we study a dynamic optimization problem for a general nonlinear mathematical model for therapy of a lethal form of cancer. The model describes how the populations of cancer and normal cells evolve under the influence of the concentrations of nutrients (oxygen, glucose, etc.) and the applied therapeutic agent (drug).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe consider the Wright-Fisher model of the finite population evolution on a fitness landscape defined in the sequence space by a path of nearly neutral mutations. We study a specific structure of the fitness landscape: One of the intermediate mutations on the mutation path results in either a large fitness value (climbing up a fitness hill) or a low fitness value (crossing a fitness canyon), the rest of the mutations besides the last one are neutral, and the last sequence has much higher fitness than any intermediate sequence. We derive analytical formulas for the first arrival time of the mutant with two point mutations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe study optimal radiotherapy fractionations for low-grade glioma using mathematical models. Both space-independent and space-dependent models are studied. Two different optimization criteria have been developed, the first one accounting for the global effect of the tumor mass on the disease symptoms and the second one related to the delay of the malignant transformation of the tumor.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA mathematical spatial cancer model of the interaction between a drug and both malignant and healthy cells is considered. It is assumed that the drug influences negative malignant cells as well as healthy ones. The mathematical model considered consists of three nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations which describe spatial dynamics of malignant cells as well as healthy ones, and of the concentration of the drug.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe study general properties of the leading eigenvalue w¯(q) of Eigen's evolutionary matrices depending on the replication fidelity q. This is a linear algebra problem that has various applications in theoretical biology, including such diverse fields as the origin of life, evolution of cancer progression, and virus evolution. We present the exact expressions for w¯(q),w¯(')(q),w¯('')(q) for q = 0, 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA particular case of the famous quasispecies model - the Crow-Kimura model with a permutation invariant fitness landscape - is investigated. Using the fact that the mutation matrix in the case of a permutation invariant fitness landscape has a special tridiagonal form, a change of the basis is suggested such that in the new coordinates a number of analytical results can be obtained. In particular, using the eigenvectors of the mutation matrix as the new basis, we show that the quasispecies distribution approaches a binomial one and give simple estimates for the speed of convergence.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMath Biosci Eng
February 2013
In this work an optimization problem for a leukemia treatment model based on the Gompertzian law of cell growth is considered. The quantities of the leukemic and of the healthy cells at the end of the therapy are chosen as the criterion of the treatment quality. In the case where the number of healthy cells at the end of the therapy is higher than a chosen desired number, an analytical solution of the optimization problem for a wide class of therapy processes is given.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA replicator equation with explicit space and global regulation is considered. This model provides a natural framework to follow frequencies of species that are distributed in the space. For this model, analogues to classical notions of the Nash equilibrium and evolutionary stable state are provided.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnalytical analysis of spatially extended autocatalytic and hypercyclic systems is presented. It is shown that spatially explicit systems in the form of reaction-diffusion equations with global regulation possess the same major qualitative features as the corresponding local models. In particular, using the introduced notion of the stability in the mean integral sense we prove the competitive exclusion principle for the autocatalytic system and the permanence for the hypercycle system.
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