Background And Objectives: This study describes the prevalence of risky alcohol consumption in Australian women aged 40-45 years. It explores the relationship between demographic factors and access to and usage of primary healthcare services.
Method: Data were obtained from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health, Survey 8 (1973-78 cohort).
Objective: This study aims to determine the associations between specialty type and practice location at postgraduate year 10 (PGY10), matched with PGY5 and PGY8 work locations, and earlier rural exposure/experience.
Design And Setting: A cohort study of medicine graduates from nine Australian universities.
Participants: 1220 domestic medicine graduates from the class of 2011.
J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol
March 2024
Introduction: Women comprise almost 30% of practising clinical radiologists in Australia. Despite three-quarters of clinical radiologists working in private practice, there is limited research regarding the experience of female radiologists in private practice and issues surrounding work-life balance. The primary aim of this study was to identify gender issues within private radiology and investigate work-life balance, focusing on issues relevant for female practitioners.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Prim Care Community Health
August 2022
Introduction: Obesity is a major public health concern. Accurate perception of body weight may be critical to the successful adoption of weight loss behavior. The aim of this study was to determine the accuracy of self-perception of BMI class.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Women are at an increased risk of experiencing domestic violence (DV) from an intimate partner during the antenatal and post-partum period, contributing to poorer health outcomes for mother and baby. The antenatal period presents a critical window of opportunity for screening and intervention. In Australia, screening guidelines vary across state and territory health departments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Effective analgesia after bariatric procedures is vital as it can reduce post-operative opioid use. This leads to less nausea which may be associated with shorter post-operative length of stay (LOS). Understanding analgesic requirements in patients with obesity is important due to the varied physiology and increased number of comorbidities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: There is public concern regarding rural workforce shortages and closure of smaller obstetric centres.
Aim: To identify whether safety is a concern for Murrumbidgee hospitals that fit primary medical care models and ascertain general practitioner (GP) obstetricians' perspectives regarding the benefits and challenges to practising in the region.
Design: Mixed-method retrospective analysis of selected outcomes in the NSW Mothers and Babies Reports 2012-2015 and semi-structured interviews with GP obstetricians.
Objective: To examine associations between extended medical graduates' rural clinical school (RCS) experience and geographic origins with practising in rural communities five and eight years after graduation.
Design, Participants: Cohort study of 2011 domestic medical graduates from ten Australian medical schools with rural clinical or regional medical schools.
Main Outcome Measures: Practice location types eight years after graduation (2019/2020) as recorded by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, classified as rural or metropolitan according to the 2015 Modified Monash Model; changes in practice location type between postgraduate years 5 (2016/2017) and 8 (2019/2020).
J Prim Care Community Health
April 2022
Introduction: Australia has one of the highest rates of obesity in the developed world. In response to increasing rates of overweight and obesity in rural Australia, one regional primary health network commissioned the development of a multi-faceted weight and lifestyle management program, addressing nutrition, physical activity, and psychological approaches to behavioral change. This study evaluated the success of the program that was implemented in multiple general practices within regional New South Wales.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective Although there is some research on women's choice of birthplace, most of this research has been conducted overseas. This study explored factors influencing the decision to use public or private maternity services within regional Australia. Methods This cross-sectional study consisted of a community-based, anonymous, online questionnaire focused on factors influencing a woman's choice of birth location and included adult females who had given birth in the past 2 years within two regional areas.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAust J Prim Health
December 2020
Although international medical graduates (IMGs) make up a substantial part of the Australian rural general practice workforce, most research on factors associated with rural practice has focused on Australian medical graduates (AMGs). This study aimed to determine whether there were differences between IMGs and AMGs in terms of these factors. Registrars in training and recent fellows (Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners/Fellowship of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine) who participated in training in rural and regional Australia were surveyed about practice models and rural practice.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDespite the increasing popularity of seafood in Australia and various reports of infection with transmissible parasites in Australian edible aquatic animals such as fish, the number of reported cases of human infections in the country is low. This raised the question that Australian medical doctors may not be fully aware of the presence of these parasites in Australia, which in turn can lead to misdiagnosis of infections. This also may lead to an underestimation of the risk seafood-borne parasites may pose to public health.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Many strategies have been implemented to address the shortage of medical practitioners in rural areas. One such strategy, the Rural Clinical School Program supporting 18 rural clinical schools (RCSs), represents a substantial financial investment by the Australian Government. This is the first collaborative RCS study summarising the rural work outcomes of multiple RCSs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) of the prostate appears to improve prostate cancer detection, but studies comparing mpMRI to histopathology at the time of radical prostatectomy (RP) are lacking. This retrospective study determined the accuracy of mpMRI predicting Gleason score and index lesion location at the time of RP, the current gold standard for diagnosis.
Methods: Between April 2013 and April 2016, a database of all men aged more than 40 years who underwent RP after positive transrectal ultrasound biopsy by an experienced urological surgeon was collated at a single regional centre.
Objective: This pilot study explored whether individual goal setting in a retirement village setting could improve strategies to strengthen bones in an ageing population and help prevent osteoporosis.
Methods: A two-phased osteoporosis prevention program was developed, piloted and evaluated involving a group education session followed by the development of individualised Bone Plans based upon personal understanding of individual fracture risk and lifestyle factors.
Results: A significant improvement in knowledge and understanding of factors to prevent and manage osteoporosis was achieved, and changes in lifestyle behaviours were sustained at six months.
Objective Despite the recognition that refugees should have equitable access to healthcare services, this presents considerable challenges, particularly in rural and regional areas. Because general practitioners (GPs) are critical to resettlement for refugees and play a crucial role in understanding their specific health and social issues, it is important to know more about the needs of GPs. Methods In-depth interviews were conducted with 14 GPs and GP registrars who trained with a New South Wales regional training provider with the aim of assessing the needs and attitudes of GPs in treating refugees and the perceived effect that refugees have on their practice.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Despite available Medicare Benefits Schedule subsidies, it has been suggested that screening and treatment for osteoporosis are under-accessed in Australia, particularly in patients ≥70 years. This study describes the rate of osteoporosis treatment in those aged ≥70 years in regional New South Wales as identified in the electronic medical records (EMR) of 11 general practices.
Methods: EMR data were extracted using a Canning Tool adaptation.
Objective: Clinical guidelines recommend that patients who sustain a minimal trauma fracture (MTF) should receive a bone mineral density (BMD) scan and bisphosphonate (or equivalent) therapy if diagnosed with osteoporosis. A pilot fracture liaison service (FLS) was implemented in regional NSW to improve adherence to the guidelines.
Design: Prospective cohort study with an historical control.
The models of practice that general practice registrars (GPRs) envisage undertaking will affect workforce supply. The aim of this research was to determine practice intentions of current GPRs in a regional general practice training program (Coast City Country General Practice Training). Questionnaires were circulated to 220 GPRs undertaking general practice placements to determine characteristics of ideal practice models and intentions for future practice.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Obesity prevalence is increasing in Australia, particularly in non-metropolitan areas. The effect of obesity on acute surgical outcomes is not known. We aimed to record waist circumference (WC) (surrogate for obesity) amongst acute surgical unit (ASU) patients in a New South Wales regional hospital, and compare outcome measures (length of stay (LOS), unplanned return to theatre, readmission rates, intensive care unit (ICU) admission and mortality).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Innov Health Inform
September 2016
Background: Data extraction tools (DETs) are increasingly being used for research and audit of general practice, despite their limitations.Objective This study explores the accuracy of Pap smear rates obtained with a DET compared to that of the Pap smear rate obtained with a manual file audit.
Method: A widely available DET was used to establish the rate of Pap smears in a large multi-general practice (multi-GP) in regional New South Wales followed by a manual audit of patient files.
Unlabelled: A study of orthopedic surgeons in rural and regional Southeast Australia to determine attitudes to investigation and management of osteoporosis found they believe follow-up in regard to osteoporosis after MTF is important; responsibility for follow-up diagnosis and management lies with primary health care and current communication systems are poor.
Purpose/introduction: The investigation and treatment of osteoporosis after minimal trauma fracture (MTF) is regarded as sub-optimal. There is strong evidence of the benefit of identifying and treating osteoporosis after MTF, and there has been discussion of the possible role that orthopedic surgeons might play in the management of osteoporosis after MTF.
Introducton: The key parameter for rural clinical schools (RCSs) is to provide at least 1 year of clinical training in rural areas for 25% of Australian Commonwealth supported medical students with the intent to influence future rural medical workforce outcomes. The objective of this study was to describe the association between a medical student's selection preference and their RCS experience and rural career intent.
Methods: Medical students completing an RCS placement in 2012 and 2013 were encouraged to complete a survey regarding their experience and future career intent.
Objectives The aim of the present study was to investigate healthcare provider perceptions of the impact of refugee patients at two public hospitals, one rural and one urban, in designated refugee resettlement areas. Healthcare professionals' views regarding improvements that could be made in this area were also sought. Methods Two-page anonymous questionnaires containing demographic, quantitative and open-ended questions were distributed to 150 healthcare providers at each research site.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in orthopaedic surgery. While specific guidelines exist for hip and knee arthroplasty, there is wide variation in VTE prophylaxis in complex spinal surgery. This study sought to determine the incidence of VTE, and risk factors associated with VTE, in patients undergoing elective instrumented posterior lumbar spinal fusion.
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