Publications by authors named "Alex Williamson"

Resident training in autopsy provides a foundation of knowledge and skills for forensic pathologists and anatomic pathologists, but obstacles are present in ensuring quality training. A survey of US autopsy service directors at sites with pathology residency programs was used to identify common challenges in resident autopsy training. Respondents (n = 29) largely believed that negative attitudes from residents, faculty, training programs, and/or the medical system at large (34%) and time limitations (34%) were the most significant challenges for residency autopsy training.

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Context.—: Autopsies performed on COVID-19 patients have provided critical information about SARS-CoV-2's tropism, mechanisms of tissue injury, and spectrum of disease.


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A 45-year-old man from El Salvador with no past medical history presented with cough and chest pain. Investigations revealed 60% peripheral eosinophilia (absolute count 12.3 K/uL).

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Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors are mesenchymal neoplasms composed of spindle cells and inflammatory infiltrate. The authors describe a 5-month-old infant with orbital inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor, the youngest patient currently reported in the literature. The histo-pathology, orbital apex location, and patient's age led to a chemotherapy-driven treatment using crizotinib with near-complete resolution of the tumor.

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Background: Osteosarcoma (OS) is the most common type of primary bone cancer affecting children and adolescents. OS has a high propensity to spread meaning the disease is often incurable and fatal. There have been no improvements in survival rates for decades.

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Background: Thymic carcinomas are rare aggressive mediastinal tumors with a median survival of 2 years.

Observation: We present a pediatric patient who was diagnosed with metastatic thymic carcinoma and showed continuous improvement of his primary mass and lung metastases with a regimen of cisplatin/docetaxel followed by long-term maintenance therapy with sunitinib for over 5 years.

Conclusions: This report demonstrates a long-term positive treatment effect using chemotherapy followed by sunitinib in an advanced thymic carcinoma.

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Background: Early pregnancy renal anhydramanios (EPRA) occurs when the fetus is anuric before 22 weeks gestational age (GA) and is considered universally lethal. Serial amnioinfusions have successfully ameliorated the lethal pulmonary hypoplasia associated with EPRA and have resulted in cases of neonatal survival, peritoneal dialysis, and renal transplant.

Objective: We sought to evaluate the lung pathology of untreated fetuses and neonates that had EPRA.

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Importance: Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is an opportunistic infection caused by the JC virus that has no proven effective treatment. Although rare cases of PML have occurred with other anti-CD20 therapies, there had been no prior cases associated with ocrelizumab.

Objective: To report the first ever case of PML occurring with ocrelizumab monotherapy in a patient with progressive multiple sclerosis without prior immunomodulation.

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Context.—: This study represents the largest compilation to date of clinical and postmortem data from decedents with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). It will augment previously published small series of autopsy case reports, refine clinicopathologic considerations, and improve the accuracy of future vital statistical reporting.

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Importance: The true incidence of sudden unexplained death in childhood (SUDC), already the fifth leading category of death among toddlers by current US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates, is potentially veiled by the varied certification processes by medicolegal investigative offices across the United States.

Objective: To evaluate the frequency of SUDC incidence, understand its epidemiology, and assess the consistency of death certification among medical examiner and coroner offices in the US death investigation system.

Design, Setting, And Participants: In this case series, 2 of 13 forensic pathologists (FPs) conducted masked reviews of 100 cases enrolled in the SUDC Registry and Research Collaborative (SUDCRRC).

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Background: The impact of COVID-19 on heart transplant (HTx) recipients remains unclear, particularly in the early post-transplant period.

Methods: We share novel insights from our experience in five HTx patients with COVID-19 (three within 2 months post-transplant) from our institution at the epicenter of the pandemic.

Results: All five exhibited moderate (requiring hospitalization, n = 3) or severe (requiring ICU and/or mechanical ventilation, n = 2) illness.

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This work aims to address the effectiveness and challenges of non-destructive testing (NDT) by active infrared thermography (IRT) for the inspection of aerospace-grade composite samples and seeks to compare uncooled and cooled thermal cameras using the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as a performance parameter. It focuses on locating impact damages and optimising the results using several signal processing techniques. The work successfully compares both types of cameras using seven different SNR definitions, to understand if a lower-resolution uncooled IR camera can achieve an acceptable NDT standard.

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Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is globally the most common cause of acute viral hepatitis. In industrialized countries, HEV infection can be seen in travelers returning from hyperendemic countries or in individuals at risk for autochthonous infection due to zoonotic exposure. Hepatitis E virus infection is often unrecognized and at times misdiagnosed because of nonspecific findings that can overlap with other causes of hepatitis, including autoimmune hepatitis (AIH).

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Rhabdomyosarcoma is a malignant tumor of the soft tissues which preferentially affects the pediatric population. Neonatal rhabdomyosarcoma is rare, and much of the published literature concerning this entity consists of isolated case reports and small case series. Recent work involving the classification of rhabdomyosarcoma has helped to delineate prognostic information based on gene rearrangements.

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Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma is a rare cancer that often requires multimodality therapy to treat; however, these therapies can cause changes in the biology of the tumor. Several reports have documented pathologic changes but only recently have genetic changes been mapped. We present case of two separate synchronous primary rhabdomyosarcomas in a 17-month-old patient and discuss the pathophysiology and genetic changes that occur with treatment.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to review published reports and contribute new cases of umbilical cord ulceration (UCU) with perinatal hemorrhage into the amniotic cavity in the setting of duodenal or jejunal obstruction because knowledge of this sequence is poorly disseminated and could be lifesaving.

Methods: Published reports of UCU with hemorrhage associated with congenital duodenal or jejunal obstruction were reviewed. Chart review was conducted for the cases encountered at our institutions between January 2008 and March 2017.

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Clostridium sordellii (C. sordellii) is an anaerobic gram-positive rod most commonly found in the soil and sewage but also as part of the normal flora of the gastrointestinal tract and vagina of a small percentage of healthy individuals. C.

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Background: Large placental cysts are unusual and rarely have significant impact on pregnancy.

Case: We present a case of a progressively enlarging placental cyst, to 13 cm, which ultimately led to delivery due to suboptimal fetal growth and umbilical cord entrapment against the uterine wall. Review of the literature, including inconsistent nomenclature and pathologic findings, will be discussed.

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Ganglioneuromas are rare benign tumors arising from neural crest cells of the autonomic nervous system. These tumors may rarely localize to the bladder, and few cases have been reported in the adult literature. To date, however, bladder ganglioneuromas have not been reported in the pediatric literature.

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