Publications by authors named "Aleksey Komissarov"

The lipopolysaccharides of Herbaspirillum lusitanum P6-12 (HlP6-12) and H. frisingense GSF30 (HfGSF30) was isolated by phenol-water extraction from bacterial cells and was characterized using chemical analysis and SDS-PAGE. It was shown that these bacteria produce LPSs that differ in their physicochemical properties and macromolecular organization.

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The black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) narrowly avoided extinction to become an oft-cited example of the benefits of intensive management, research, and collaboration to save a species through ex situ conservation breeding and reintroduction into its former range. However, the species remains at risk due to possible inbreeding, disease susceptibility, and multiple fertility challenges. Here, we report the de novo genome assembly of a male black-footed ferret generated through a combination of linked-read sequencing, optical mapping, and Hi-C proximity ligation.

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  • The Baikal seal is the only freshwater pinniped species, and researchers are investigating how and when it arrived in Lake Baikal, which is far from its Arctic Ocean origins.
  • A genetic analysis was conducted comparing the Baikal seal to three marine pinniped species, revealing conserved chromosomal features but lower genetic diversity in the Baikal seal.
  • The study suggests the Baikal seal experienced a significant population decline during environmental changes, likely related to ice sheet shifts, but stabilized after migrating to Lake Baikal around 3 to 0.3 million years ago.
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Human herpes virus 6A (HHV-6A) is able to integrate into the telomeric and subtelomeric regions of human chromosomes representing chromosomally integrated HHV-6A (ciHHV-6A). The integration starts from the right direct repeat (DR) region. It has been shown experimentally that perfect telomeric repeats (pTMR) in the DR region are required for the integration, while the absence of the imperfect telomeric repeats (impTMR) only slightly reduces the frequency of HHV-6 integration cases.

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The mitochondrial genome of the long-spined black sea urchin, , was sequenced using Illumina next-generation sequencing technology. The complete mitogenome is 15,708 bp in length, containing two rRNA, 22 tRNA and 13 protein-coding genes, plus a noncoding control region of 133 bp. The nucleotide composition is 18.

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Objectives: This study is performed in the frame of a bigger study dedicated to genomics and transcriptomics of parthenogenesis in vertebrates. Among vertebrates, obligate parthenogenesis was first described in the lizards of the genus Darevskia. In this genus, all found parthenogenetic species originated via interspecific hybridization.

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The extant reptiles are one of the most diverse clades among terrestrial vertebrates and one of a few groups with instances of parthenogenesis. Due to the hybrid origin of parthenogenetic species, reference genomes of the parental species as well as of the parthenogenetic progeny are indispensable to explore the genetic foundations of parthenogenetic reproduction. Here, we report on the first genome assembly of rock lizard , a paternal species for several parthenogenetic lineages.

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Tandemly repeated DNAs form heterochromatic regions of chromosomes, including the vital centromeric chromatin. Despite the progress in new genomic technologies, tandem repeats remain poorly deciphered and need targeted analysis in the species of interest. The Japanese quail is one of the highest-producing poultry species as well as a model organism.

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  • Tandem repetitive sequences are prevalent in genomes but are not well understood due to research challenges.
  • This study focuses on the zebra finch genome, revealing that two main tandem repeats, Tgut191A and Tgut716A, are associated with centromeres, particularly in microchromosomes and sex chromosomes.
  • Additional similar sequences in other bird families might indicate potential centromeric sequences, but more research is needed to confirm this.
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rock lizards include 29 sexual and seven parthenogenetic species of hybrid origin distributed in the Caucasus. All seven parthenogenetic species of the genus were formed as a result of interspecific hybridization of only four sexual species. It remains unknown what are the main advantages of interspecific hybridization along with switching on parthenogenetic reproduction in evolution of reptiles.

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The Puma lineage within the family Felidae consists of 3 species that last shared a common ancestor around 4.9 million years ago. Whole-genome sequences of 2 species from the lineage were previously reported: the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) and the mountain lion (Puma concolor).

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Many animal phyla have no representatives within the catalog of whole metazoan genome sequences. This dataset fills in one gap in the genome knowledge of animal phyla with a draft genome of Bugula neritina (phylum Bryozoa). Interest in this species spans ecology and biomedical sciences because B.

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The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Herbaspirillum frisingense GSF30 (HfGSF30), a non-pathogenic diazotrophic endobiont, was isolated by phenol-water extraction from bacterial cells and was characterized by chemical analyses and SDS PAGE. The O-specific polysaccharide (OPS, O-antigen), obtained by mild acid hydrolysis of the LPS, was examined by sugar and methylation analysis, along with H and C NMR spectroscopy, including 2D H,H COSY, H,H TOCSY, H,H ROESY, H,C HSQC, and H,C HMBC experiments. The OPS was found to consist of branched tetrasaccharide repeating units of the following structure: [Formula: see text] This structure is unique among the known bacterial polysaccharide structures.

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Genome-wide assessment of genetic diversity has the potential to increase the ability to understand admixture, inbreeding, kinship and erosion of genetic diversity affecting both captive () and wild () populations of threatened species. The sable antelope (), native to the savannah woodlands of sub-Saharan Africa, is a species that is being managed in both public (zoo) and private (ranch) collections in the United States. Our objective was to develop whole genome sequence resources that will serve as a foundation for characterizing the genetic status of populations of sable antelope relative to populations in the wild.

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The white shark (; Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) is one of the most publicly recognized marine animals. Here we report the genome sequence of the white shark and comparative evolutionary genomic analyses to the chondrichthyans, whale shark (Elasmobranchii) and elephant shark (Holocephali), as well as various vertebrates. The 4.

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The Asian seabass () is a bony fish from the Latidae family, which is widely distributed in the tropical Indo-West Pacific region. The karyotype of the Asian seabass contains 24 pairs of A chromosomes and a variable number of AT- and GC-rich B chromosomes (Bchrs or Bs). Dot-like shaped and nucleolus-associated AT-rich Bs were microdissected and sequenced earlier.

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  • * Due to challenges in sample collection and genetic issues like high homozygosity, researchers tested various genome assembly methods and found a string graph-based approach to be more effective for this endangered species.
  • * The study involved creating a reference genome from five samples and comparing it to another, revealing insights into venoms, genetic diversity, and evolutionary history, indicating a divergence from other mammals about 73.6 million years ago and a subspecies split around 300,000 years ago.
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The content of repetitive DNA in avian genomes is considerably less than in other investigated vertebrates. The first descriptions of tandem repeats were based on the results of routine biochemical and molecular biological experiments. Both satellite DNA and interspersed repetitive elements were annotated using library-based approach and de novo repeat identification in assembled genome.

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The great cats of the genus comprise a recent radiation whose evolutionary history is poorly understood. Their rapid diversification poses challenges to resolving their phylogeny while offering opportunities to investigate the historical dynamics of adaptive divergence. We report the sequence, de novo assembly, and annotation of the jaguar () genome, a novel genome sequence for the leopard (), and comparative analyses encompassing all living species.

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The first complete mitochondrial genome sequence of parthenogenetic Caucasian rock lizard s ( family) is determined by hybrid assembly with Illumina HiSeq and PacBio RS II platforms. The circular 21.4 kbp mitogenome contains 13 protein-coding genes, 12S and 16S rRNA genes, 20 tRNAs, two pseudogenized tRNAs, and one long tandem repeats with 4.

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Pangolins (order Pholidota) are the only mammals covered by scales. We have recently sequenced and analyzed the genomes of two critically endangered Asian pangolin species, namely the Malayan pangolin (Manis javanica) and the Chinese pangolin (Manis pentadactyla). These complete genome sequences will serve as reference sequences for future research to address issues of species conservation and to advance knowledge in mammalian biology and evolution.

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Background: As the number of sequenced genomes rapidly increases, chromosome assembly is becoming an even more crucial step of any genome study. Since de novo chromosome assemblies are confounded by repeat-mediated artifacts, reference-assisted assemblies that use comparative inference have become widely used, prompting the development of several reference-assisted assembly programs for prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes.

Findings: We developed Chromosomer - a reference-based genome arrangement tool, which rapidly builds chromosomes from genome contigs or scaffolds using their alignments to a reference genome of a closely related species.

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Pangolins, unique mammals with scales over most of their body, no teeth, poor vision, and an acute olfactory system, comprise the only placental order (Pholidota) without a whole-genome map. To investigate pangolin biology and evolution, we developed genome assemblies of the Malayan (Manis javanica) and Chinese (M. pentadactyla) pangolins.

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Solenodons are insectivores found only in Hispaniola and Cuba, with a Mesozoic divergence date versus extant mainland mammals. Solenodons are the oldest lineage of living eutherian mammal for which a mitogenome sequence has not been reported. We determined complete mitogenome sequences for six Hispaniolan solenodons (Solenodon paradoxus) using next-generation sequencing.

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