Zh Vopr Neirokhir Im N N Burdenko
September 2014
In this paper, we describe the possibility of using a bone-mounted miniature robot based on the experience of different surgeries performed in 77 patients divided into four groups according to the general pathology (degenerative stenosis of the vertebral canal, fractures of vertebral bodies, spondylolisthesis, hemangiomas, and tumors). All the patients underwent surgical intervention using Spine Assist Mazor, such as stabilization using the Go-Lif system, transpedicular systems, vertebroplasty, and vertebral body biopsy. The new method and the technology of stabilizing surgeries using Spine Assist Mazor allow one to perform preoperative virtual planning based on CT images and to identify an ideal and safe trajectory of placing screws or needles for vertebroplasty or biopsy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
December 1992
Osteochin (Quinoin, Hungary) efficacy was studied in the treatment of 20 patients with Duchenne's progressive myodystrophy. The drug was administered in a dose of 200 mg a day for a month. A favorable effect of such therapy was observed in all the patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPollution of air ventilation and conditioning systems by microorganisms and products of their activity can lead to the development of infectious (legionnaires' disease) and allergic (humidifier fever) diseases. Clinical, immunological and hygienic investigations under natural conditions of 72 persons working in offices helped to study a respiratory disease which was similar to humidifier fever. The removal of dust and mud from the system and thorough cleaning of all conditioned rooms put an end to this disease.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
July 1976
The author conducted a clinical and EEG study of 308 patients with severe acute poisoning (by barbiturates, phosphororganic compounds, ethyl alcohol, noxiron, elenium, narcotics, carbon monoxide, tubazide, ethylenglycole and dichlorethan). It is shown that EEG changes in combination with clinical and toxicological data permit to qualify more precisely the form of poisoning and conduct specific therapy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
March 1976
The study is concerned with results of a clinical and EEG examination of 28 patients with acute poisoning by noxiron. All these were seen in a Republican Centre for the Treatment of Acute Poisoning. Three groups of patients with certain clinical and EEG features were distinguished which permitted to assess more precisely the state of the patient.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
May 1971
Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
February 1970