Rev Colomb Psiquiatr (Engl Ed)
May 2020
The pathogenic nucleus of schizophrenia has varied according to the different eras and influences of distinguished clinical researchers. Self-disorders have also been recognised to be at the heart of this disorder, although they have seldom been studied due to their subjective nature. Recently, due to the growing interest in the study of the early stages of schizophrenia, the study of self-disorders has been resumed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica
June 2016
On May 11, 2015, amendment RS 017-2015-SA to the Regulation of the National System of Medical Residency (RS 002-2006-SA) was published in the Peruvian official newspaper "El Peruano". This amendment establishes that the submission of a thesis or scholarly work is not necessary to obtain the title of medical specialist (article 28), but when a "work project" is performed in a specialty area, it must be presented at the conclusion of the second year of medical residency (article 27). This news has been welcomed by one sector of medical residents, while others believe that the measure conflicts with their training as specialists.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica
March 2018
Person-centered medicine (PCM) is a programmatic global initiative led by the International College of Person-Centered Medicine. It has recently emerged in Latin America. It requires the use of scientific research as an instrument to generate the best clinical evidence, and humanism as the essence of medicine to help mankind.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica
March 2018
The development of person-centered clinical care is inscribed within an international programmatic movement towards a medicine focused on the totality of the person. This movement, with broad historical bases, has been maturing since 2008 through conferences among global health institutions, research projects and academic publications. This paper is aimed at elucidating the conceptual principles of person-centered medicine (PCM) and to delineate strategies for the practical application of such principles in clinical care services.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica
March 2013
Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica
March 2013
In order to evaluate the frequency of depressive symptomatology (DS) and alcohol-related problems (ARP) during the academic training of medical students from Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, a cross-sectional study was conducted among students from first to sixth year of career. The Zung Self-Rating depression scale was used to evaluate DS and the CAGE questionnaire to evaluate ARP. 23.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica
December 2011
Objective: To measure the general and work related stress, depression and anxiety in Magistrates (Judges and District Attorneys) of Lima Judicial District.
Material And Methods: We carried out a transversal and descriptive study. A population of 1137 magistrates from the Lima Jurisdictional District of the Judicial System, was randomly sampled by a strata representing every agency of the Judicial System.
In the year 2003, in the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, the Permanent Program of Training for the Integral Attention of the Victims of Violence was created, has been training human resources for the comprehensive health care to victims of violence. In this sense, we was considered necessary to develop a methodology for health professionals, identifying their training needs and the conditions under how they work. It is in this context, that the year 2004, a base line study was delineated in the Microrred de Salud Huaycán, in the east of Lima city; that included diverse stages with a multisectorial approach with the aim to identify the training needs of the health professionals, as well as the evaluation of the logistic and administrative support for the development of training activities to diverse levels.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn order to propose the necessary moral reflection about the personal responsibility that each researcher assumes when he performs scientific research in human beings, an essay of moral and scientific themes is presented, using information from the relevant scientific and ethical literature. Around the concepts of heteronymous and autonomous ethics, it is proposed that ultimately and beyond informed consent and training courses on research ethics, the behavior of the researcher will depend on his/her own moral responsibility, tested in different situational contexts. Two explanatory models are used in order to understand this dynamic, the one of normality in mental health and the one of moral development of men.
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