Publications by authors named "Alberink I"

Likelihood ratios (LRs) are a useful measure of evidential strength. In forensic casework consisting of a flow of cases with essentially the same question and the same analysis method, it is feasible to construct an 'LR system', that is, an automated procedure that has the observations as input and an LR as output. This paper is aimed at practitioners interested in building their own LR systems.

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An automated approach for evaluating the strength of the evidence of firearm toolmark comparison results is presented for a common source scenario. First, comparison scores are derived describing the similarity of marks typically encountered on the primer of fired cartridge cases: aperture shear striations as well as breechface and firing pin impressions. Subsequently, these scores are interpreted using reference distributions of comparison scores obtained for representative known matching (KM) and known non-matching (KNM) ballistic samples in a common source, score-based likelihood ratio (LR) system.

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In latent print examination, a conclusion on an individualization is primarily based on the presence of corresponding minutiae. Depending on the level of correspondence between the minutiae on the fingermark and on the reference print, a match is concluded. However, a fingermark is analyzed on all three levels: general pattern combined with core-delta distance, minutiae, and third-level detail.

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This paper presents the results of a study on bullet trajectory deflection, for 9 mm Luger Full Metal Jacket Round Nose (FMJ-RN) bullets fired through 23-24 cm of ballistic gelatine. The bullets were fired at different velocities. Impact velocity, energy transfer and bullet trajectory deflection after gelatine perforation were measured and calculated.

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The number of samples sent to forensic laboratories as well as the complexity of the drug situation has increased tremendously during recent years. At the same time the amount of data gathered from chemical measurements has been mounting. This creates challenges for forensic chemists: how to handle the data, how to reliably answer the questions asked, and how to examine the data to find new properties or how to disclose connections with respect to source attribution of samples within a case or retrospective to past cases, stored in a database.

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The ballistic resistance of a combined soft tissue simulant was studied, consisting of gelatine as a simulant for human muscle tissue and tanned cowhide (leather) as a simulant for human skin. The simulant was manufactured by applying cowhide to liquid ballistic gelatine, as the gelatine solidified in its mould. Combining a skin and muscle tissue simulant in this adhered way opens the possibility to produce purpose-built proxies for human body parts in ballistic studies or for forensic shooting incident reconstructions.

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Tire marks are an important type of forensic evidence as they are frequently encountered at crime scenes. When the tires of a suspect's car are compared, the evidence can be very strong if so-called 'acquired features' are observed to correspond. When only 'class characteristics' such as parts of the tire pattern are observed to correspond, it is obvious that many other tires will exist that also correspond, and so this evidence is usually considered very weak or is simply ignored.

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In their paper "The evaluation of evidence for microspectrophotometry data using functional data analysis", in FSI 305, Aitken et al. present a likelihood-ratio (LR) system for their data. We show the values generated by this system cannot be interpreted as LRs: they are ill-calibrated and should be interpreted as discriminating scores.

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In the recently published article "Chemometrics in forensic chemistry - Part I: Implications to the forensic workflow" the application of chemometric methods in forensic casework was described. The steps to facilitate standardized chemometric procedures and the availability of chemometric tools such as software and a guideline are under development. Three examples of typical illicit drugs casework, wherein chemometric methods were applied, are presented in the current paper.

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Purpose: To determine how motion affects stage allocation to the clavicle's sternal end on MRI.

Materials And Methods: Eighteen volunteers (9 females, 9 males) between 14 and 30 years old were prospectively scanned with 3-T MRI. One resting-state scan was followed by five intentional motion scans.

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The influence of muzzle instability on bullet deflection, when perforating laminated particleboards, was studied with three different handgun bullet types. The mean deflection angles of .32 Auto FMJ and .

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The forensic literature shows a clear trend towards increasing use of chemometrics (i.e. multivariate analysis and other statistical methods).

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Trajectory deflections of pistol bullets from four different firearms, fired through soft tissue simulants under two different incidence and exit angles were studied. The data from this study can be used in reconstructions of shooting incidents where human soft tissues (not bones) were perforated with pistol bullets and assumptions must be made about bullet deflection in order to correctly reconstruct trajectories. The results demonstrate that deflection was influenced by the length of the "wound channel" through the simulants.

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Latent print examiners often use their experience and knowledge to reach a conclusion on the identity of the source. Their conclusion is primarily based on their personal opinion on the rarity of the matching fingerprint features. Fingerprint patterns, if present, can play a significant role in the final assessment of a match.

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Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) systems often record vehicle motion prior to incidents. From the footage an estimate of the average speed of the vehicle between two frames can be calculated. In a forensic investigation not only an estimate of the average speed is needed but also an estimation of the measurement error.

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For the comparative analysis of glass fragments, a method using Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) is in use at the NFI, giving measurements of the concentration of 18 elements. An important question is how to evaluate the results as evidence that a glass sample originates from a known glass source or from an arbitrary different glass source. One approach is the use of matching criteria e.

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In this study, the cartridge case ejection patterns of six different Glock model pistols (one specimen per model) were compared under three conditions: firing with a loaded magazine, an empty magazine, and without magazine. The distances, covered by the ejected cartridge cases given these three conditions, were compared for each of the six models. A significant difference was found between the groups of data for each of the tested specimens.

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In this article, the performance of a score-based likelihood ratio (LR) system for comparisons of fingerprints with fingermarks is studied. The system is based on an automated fingerprint identification system (AFIS) comparison algorithm and focuses on fingerprint comparisons where the fingermarks contain 6-11 minutiae. The hypotheses under consideration are evaluated at the level of the person, not the finger.

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In this paper, a method is described to quantify estimations of the total amount of drugs in groups of seized items, including quantification of the precision. Previous work on this topic was based on the assumptions of normally distributed measurements and grouping of items with a common relative standard deviation. In practice, these assumptions are often violated, for example, for data with point masses at 0, or if certain items in a group have a very high standard deviation.

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A recent trend in forensic science is the development of objective, automated systems for the comparison of trace and reference material that give as output numerical likelihood ratios (LRs). For well discriminating LR systems, often the probability of the evidence given one or the other hypothesis depends on the density from the tail of a probability distribution. The models for probability distributions are trained by data.

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Evaluation of evidence in forensic science is discussed using posterior distributions for likelihood ratios. Instead of eliminating the uncertainty by integrating (Bayes factor) or by conditioning on parameter values, uncertainty in the likelihood ratio is retained by parameter uncertainty derived from posterior distributions. A posterior distribution for a likelihood ratio can be summarised by the median and credible intervals.

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When a bullet ricochets from wood, various parameters will influence its behavior. In this study, the influence of the wood grain on the ricochet angle (β) and deflection angle (γ) is assessed. Series of five .

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The use of ballistic gelatine, generally accepted as a human muscle tissue simulant in wound ballistic studies, might be improved by adding a preservative (Methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate) which inhibits microbial growth. This study shows that replacing a part of the gelatine powder by the preservative does not significantly alter the penetration depth of projectiles. Storing prepared blocks of ballistic gelatine over time decreased the penetration depth of projectiles.

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