is a long-established, well known and globally important genus of plant pathogens. Phylogenetic evidence has shown that the biologically distinct, obligate biotrophic downy mildews evolved from at least twice. Since, cladistically, this renders 'paraphyletic', it has been proposed that evolutionary clades be split into multiple genera (Runge et al.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this paper, we unite concepts from Husserlian phenomenology, the active inference framework in theoretical biology, and category theory in mathematics to develop a comprehensive framework for understanding social action premised on shared goals. We begin with an overview of Husserlian phenomenology, focusing on aspects of inner time-consciousness, namely, retention, primal impression, and protention. We then review active inference as a formal approach to modeling agent behavior based on variational (approximate Bayesian) inference.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSelf-esteem, the evaluation of one's own worth or value, is a critical aspect of psychological well-being and mental health. In this paper, we propose an active inference account of self-esteem, casting it as a sociometer or an inferential capacity to interpret one's standing within a social group. This approach allows us to explore the interaction between an individual's self-perception and the expectations of their social environment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this article, we aim to conceptualize and formalize the construct of resilience using the tools of active inference, a new physics-based modeling approach apt for the description and analysis of complex adaptive systems. We intend this as a first step toward a computational model of resilient systems. We begin by offering a conceptual analysis of resilience, to clarify its meaning, as established in the literature.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper aims to show that genders are enacted, by providing an account of how an individual can be said to enact a gender and explaining how, consequently, genders can be fluid. On the enactive-ecological view we defend, individuals first and foremost perceive the world as fields of affordances, that is, structured sets of action possibilities. Fields of natural affordances offer action possibilities because of the natural properties of organisms and environments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe spread of ideas is a fundamental concern of today's news ecology. Understanding the dynamics of the spread of information and its co-option by interested parties is of critical importance. Research on this topic has shown that individuals tend to cluster in echo-chambers and are driven by confirmation bias.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper proposes a formal reconstruction of the script construct by leveraging the active inference framework, a behavioral modeling framework that casts action, perception, emotions, and attention as processes of (Bayesian or variational) inference. We propose a first principles account of the script construct that integrates its different uses in the behavioral and social sciences. We begin by reviewing the recent literature that uses the script construct.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe effects of precooked-refined sorghum flour consumption on antioxidant status, lipid profile, and colonic and bone health were evaluated. Twenty-four male Wistar rats were fed with control diet (C), or red or white precooked-refined sorghum based diets (SD) for 60 days. The intake of SD was lower than that of C, but the efficiency of all diets was similar.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFModifications of nutritional properties (amino acids, available lysine, protein digestibility, fatty acids, fiber, inositol phosphate (IPs), free and bound phenolics, and antioxidant properties) of whole rice ingredients processed by soaking, germination, and/or extrusion cooking were evaluated. Soaking and germination reduced proteins by lixiviation and hydrolysis, respectively. Lysine was the limiting amino acid.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLumbocostovertebral syndrome is defined by the presence of lumbar hernia, hemivertebrae and costal anomalies. Our aim was to describe the first case reported in Argentina. The patient was reported to the National Registry of Congenital Anomalies of Argentina.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe influence of whole grain (WG) rice based diets on the lipid profile and antioxidant status was evaluated. Thirty-two male Wistar rats were fed with Control (C), extruded Brown rice (B), extruded Soaked whole rice (S) and extruded Germinated whole rice (G) diets for 60 days. Triacylglycerols (TAGs), cholesterol and malondialdehyde equivalent (MDA eq.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe influence of diets with whole rice processed ingredients on cecum health, calcium absorption and bone parameters was studied using an animal model. Thirty-two male Wistar rats were fed with Control (C), extruded Brown rice (B), extruded Soaked whole rice (S) and extruded Germinated whole rice (G) diets for 60 days. The cecum weight, cecal content pH, cecal sIgA content, and β-glucosidase and β-glucuronidase activities were determined.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhole rice (WR) products with low phytic acid (PA) content and enhanced bio-functional components were obtained by the combination of germination and extrusion processes. Germination conditions (24 h - 35 °C), with a previous soaking process (24 h - 20 °C), were chosen according to the remnant PA content and germination rate. Specific mechanical energy consumption, expansion, sensorial and mechanical hardness, specific volume, solubility, water absorption, free phenolic content (FPC) and antioxidant capacity were evaluated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhysicochemical properties and structural characteristics of whole rice flours with different treatments (soaking, germination and extrusion cooking) were studied. Water solubility, water absorption, crystallinity, adsorption isotherms (BET and GAB models), and glass transition temperature of the samples were determined. Water solubility and water absorption were enhanced by extrusion cooking process (3.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study aimed to analyze the stress distribution in single implant system and to evaluate the compatibility of an in vitro model with finite element (FE) model. The in vitro model consisted of Brånemark implant; multiunit set abutment of 5 mm height; metal-ceramic screw-retained crown, and polyurethane simulating the bone. Deformations were recorded in the peri-implant region in the mesial and distal aspects, after an axial 300 N load application at the center of the occlusal aspect of the crown, using strain gauges.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA combination of soaking and extrusion processes of whole rice grain was studied. The effects of temperature (35-55 °C) and time (24-48 h) of soaking treatment on phytic acid (PA), protein and ashes losses using a factorial design were evaluated. Taking into account ash, protein and PA losses, whole rice was soaked 24 h at 45 °C and extruded using a Brabender single screw extruder.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of diets with different types of fibres on Ca bioavailability and metabolic parameters in growing Wistar rats. Twenty four male Wistar rats were fed with 3 different diets: control (C), polydextrose (PD), and extruded whole maize (M) during a 60 day period. Apparent Ca absorption percentage (%Ca Abs), total skeleton bone mineral content (t BMC), total bone mineral density (t BMD), femur (F), spine (S) and tibia (T) BMD, cecum weight, and pH were evaluated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEctomycorrhizal (EM) fungi form relationships with higher plants; plants transfer C to fungi, and fungi transfer nutrients to their host. While evidence indicates that this interaction is largely mutualistic, less is known about how nutrient supply and EM associates may alter C and nutrient exchanges, especially in intact plant-soil-microbe systems in the field. In a dual-labeling experiment with N fertilization, we used C and N stable isotopes to examine in situ transfers in EM pine trees in a Pinus sabiniana woodland in northern California.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this work, two analytical methods based on liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-TOFMS) and tandem mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS/MS) are described for the identification, confirmation and quantitation of three insecticides non-authorized in the European Union (nitenpyram, isocarbophos and isofenphos-methyl) but detected in recent monitoring programmes in pepper samples. The proposed methodologies involved a sample extraction procedure using liquid-liquid partition with acetonitrile followed by a cleanup step based on dispersive solid-phase extraction. Recovery studies performed on peppers spiked at different fortification levels (10 and 50 microg kg(-1)) yielded average recoveries in the range 76-100% with relative standard deviation (RSD) (%) values below 10%.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIt has been suggested, but rarely tested, that the relative strength of top-down and bottom-up factors in communities varies along an environmental stress gradient. We compared the strength of bottom-up and top-down effects on the densities of insect herbivores along a range of sites of different salinities in west-central Florida. We used a 2 x 2 factorial design with plots divided into four treatments: (1) bottom-up manipulation, where fertilizer was applied to increase plant quality; (2) top-down manipulation, where sticky traps were used to reduce the effects of natural enemies (parasitoids); (3) bottom-up and top-down manipulation, where fertilizer was applied and sticky traps were used; and (4) control plots.
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