Synopsis of recent research by authors named "Akiko Hirotsu"
- Akiko Hirotsu's recent research extensively investigates the impact of various physiological and psychological factors on postoperative outcomes, particularly in nonpulmonary and noncardiac surgeries, emphasizing the role of preoperative pulmonary function and intraoperative carbon dioxide levels on respiratory and organ dysfunction.
- A significant focus of her work also includes understanding the interaction between neuroinflammation and stress, specifically how prior stress exposure exacerbates neuroinflammation and leads to long-term behavioral changes in sepsis patients, pointing out a critical connection between psychological factors and central nervous system disorders.
- Additionally, Hirotsu examines specific medical conditions and treatments, such as the effects of anesthetics on fetal brain development and the utility of thromboelastography in surgery, indicating a broad commitment to enhancing surgical outcomes and understanding pathophysiological mechanisms in various medical contexts.