Publications by authors named "Akiguchi I"

The time course of brain accumulation of radiolabelled human serum albumin ((125)I-HSA) injected intravenously and the transfer of (125)I-HSA from blood to brain were evaluated in DDD mice using a double isotope technique. The brain accumulation of (125)I-HSA at 3 and 9 h but not at 24 h postinjection and the brain transfer rates were significantly higher in 22-month-old DDD mice than in 4-month-old ones. The brain transfer rates of (125)I-HSA were measured also in senescence accelerated prone mice (SAM-P/8) with age-related deficits in learning and memory, and in senescence accelerated resistant mice (SAM-R/I) without these deficits.

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A novel inbred strain of mouse 'SAM-P/10' (Senescence Accelerated Mouse) is a model of age-related brain atrophy characterized by age-related loss and shrinkage of neurons in the cerebral neocortex. Age-related changes in learning and memory skills of SAM-P/10 mice were investigated using a newly developed conditional avoidance task in a T-maze. Comparisons were made with findings in the SAM-R/1 strain which shows a little loss and no shrinkage of neocortical neurons.

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We studied the number of large-sized neurons and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) in the tuberomammillary nucleus (TM) of the hypothalamus from cases with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and age-matched controls. Numerous NFT were found in TM of AD. However, NFT was never observed in this nucleus of age-matched controls.

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Persistent noxious peripheral stimulation by formalin injection into the unilateral hindpad of anaesthetized rats induced c-Fos-like protein immunoreactivity (c-Fos-LI) in neurons within the lateral habenular nucleus (LHb) bilaterally. Formalin injection after the transection of spinal cords also induced c-Fos-LI in many neurons within the LHb, though the number of labeled cells changed depending on the post-transection period. These results suggest that the LHb modulates nociceptive information, but that it receives nociceptive information via extraspinal pathways as well as intraspinal ascending noxious pathways.

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We report on 2 patients with multifocal motor neuropathy with focal conduction block involving motor but not sensory fibers at the site of nerve swelling. A nerve biopsy specimen from adjacent to the enlargement in 1 patient showed a perivascular area containing scattered demyelinated axons surrounded by small onion bulbs. The observed pathological findings are consistent with the conduction block considered characteristic of this neuropathy, although the underlying immunological mechanisms for selectivity and persistence remain undetermined.

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To provide new insights into metabolic changes in the brain of patients with dementia, we performed in vivo localized proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in nine patients with primary degenerative dementia and in three patients with normal-pressure hydrocephalus. We compared the results with those in 26 healthy volunteers. Measurements of regional cerebral blood flow were performed in seven patients by means of single photon emission computed tomography with amphetamine I 123 as a tracer.

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We studied a 67-year-old female who suffered from polymyositis associated with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC). Liver dysfunction was revealed by a screening test. Antimitochondrial antibodies (AMA) and antinuclear antibodies were positive.

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Neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) occur in neurons of human central nervous system (CNS) both in aged subjects and patients with several degenerative diseases, with a certain topographical predilection. In surveying the NFT distribution in nervous tissue of patients with progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), we found silver-positive fibrillary tangles in the neurons of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) in two of five patients. By immunohistochemistry, these tangles were stained with antibodies to human tau protein, paired helical filaments (PHFs) and ubiquitin.

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Article Synopsis
  • - The case discusses a patient with progressive spastic ataxia and ophthalmoparesis, with findings consistent with Joseph's disease.
  • - Key neuropathological features included ubiquitin-immunoreactive inclusions in specific spinal neurons, typically associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
  • - The presence of these inclusions indicates they may occur in other neurodegenerative conditions, not just ALS, suggesting a broader relevance in motor neuron degeneration.
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Alterations of beta/A4 amyloid protein precursor (APP) were investigated immunohistochemically in the gerbil brain after transient global ischemia and subsequent reperfusion. Marked accumulation of this protein peaking at 24 h occurred in the neurons of the CA3 and paramedian region of the hippocampus as well as layers III, V and VI of the cerebral cortex. On the contrary, the accumulation was not observed in the neurons of the CA1 region.

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A patient was presented with an outstanding symptom of abulia due to cerebral infarcts in the bilateral genua of internal capsules. A 53-year-old woman, generally in good health and active, had no contributory medical history except for hypertension. She was well until August 20, 1988, when she was noted to have become taciturn and absent-minded.

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Migrant sensory neuritis, which was first proposed by Wartenberg, is very uncommon and only a few case reports have ever been published. We described one case of migrant sensory neuritis and discussed the pathogenesis of this disease. A 44-year-old man noticed numbness in the lateral aspect of the dorsum of the left foot in February 1985.

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Specific thyroid hormone (T3) receptors are present in thyroid follicular cells, including the rat FRTL5 clonal line, but little is known about the effects of T3 on the growth and differentiated function of the thyroid. Unlike primary cultures of animal or human thyroid cells, FRTL5 do not secrete appreciable amounts of thyroid hormones. We now have studied the effects of T3 by itself and in combination with TSH and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) on [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA, iodide uptake, and cAMP production in FRTL5.

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We reported an adult case of transverse myelitis with erythema infectiosum. A 33-year-old female was admitted to Kyoto University Hospital because of a weakness in the lower extremities and "cloth-wearing" sensation of the trunk and legs. One month before admission, she became febrile and developed a symmetrical erythema on the extremities.

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Soybean agglutinin (SBA) was used to identify the location of N-acetylgalactosaminyl glycoconjugates in human dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and spinal cord. SBA bound to a subpopulation of small-diameter neurons in DRG and their central projections. It also bound to microglia and vascular endothelium.

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We developed a novel inbred strain of mouse with age-related brain atrophy and it was named "Senescence Accelerated Mouse (SAM)-P/10." Macroscopic morphometry indicated that the brains of SAM-P/10 showed age-dependent involutional changes mainly in the frontal portion of the cerebrum. The brain weight decreased by 8.

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When WGA-HRP was injected into the subicular cortex of the ventral hippocampal formation (Hv) in the cat, terminal labeling was seen ipsilaterally in the caudoventral parts of the medial frontal cortex: in the infralimbic cortex (area 25), ventral part of the prelimbic cortex (area 32), and caudoventral part of the orbitofrontal cortex (area 12). The terminal labeling was observed in all cortical layers except layer 1. The cells of origin of these projections were then confirmed to be pyramidal neurons in the subiculum of the Hv.

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A case of a 55-year-old male with herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) was reported. He was admitted because of fever, headache and memory disturbance. T1 weighted MRI showed low signal intensity and T2 weighted imaging revealed high signal intensity in the medial portions of bilateral temporal lobes.

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The immunolocalization of protein kinase C (PKC) isozymes alpha, beta I and beta II, was investigated in human skeletal muscle. All three isozymes were present on the muscle fiber surface membrane and within the muscle fibers. The alpha-isozyme was most clearly delineated on the surface membrane of the muscle fiber and on small blood vessels in the connective tissue.

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We modified a previously reported enzyme immunoassay method to make it more sensitive for quantification of nerve growth factor (NGF), and succeeded in measuring the NGF content in as small as 2 mg (wet weight) of rat brain tissue. Rat brain was cut into about 600 pieces of the same size, and the NGF content in each piece was determined by this method. The findings were as follows: (i) In the cerebral cortex, NGF contents were unevenly distributed, ranging from less than 0.

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We presented a case with sphenoid sinus mucocele associated with recurrent visual disturbance on the same side. A 22-year-old female showed two episodes of visual disturbance on the left eye for three months. She was diagnosed as acute retrobulbar optic neuritis and was treated with cortico-steroid.

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A Japanese woman, aged 42, was admitted because of paroxysmal attacks consisting of paresthesia of the left face, tremor in the right hand, epigastric pain and urinary incontinence. A year prior to the admission, she noticed some difficulty in writing, dysarthria and unsteadiness of walking. These symptoms had been persistent since then.

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