Key Clinical Message: The main objective of root canal therapy is to locate all the canals, cleaning, and shaping, and obturation to obtain fluid tight seal and to heal the periapical lesion if present.
Abstract: The proper cleaning, shaping, and disinfection of the pulp chambers, as well as the filling of the canals, are critical to the efficacy of treatment with root canals. The success of an endodontically treated tooth is dependent on the accuracy of the diagnosis, disinfection, cleaning and shaping, obturation, and finally, the prosthetic rehabilitation management.
Key Clinical Message: Main objective of root canal therapy is to locate all the canals, cleaning and shaping, and obturation to obtain fluid tight seal. Failure to locate all canals can lead to the failure of root canal therapy.
Abstract: Variation of pulp aperture, among teeth with multiple roots, constitutes recurring issue during diagnosing and completing efficient endodontic procedures.