Publications by authors named "Aide A Maldonado-Macias"

Nowadays, organizations must comply with high-quality standards, health and safety regulations, and socially sustainable practices to succeed in a globalized world. Supply Chains (SC) enable them to satisfy their customers' needs for quality products just in time and at the best price. However, management systems (MS) need to be improved to identify, evaluate, and control ergonomic risks, which opens a research opportunity for Ergonomics Management Systems (EMS) as they apply to sustainable SCs.

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This research determines the critical factors for implementing ergonomics programs related to health and safety benefits in the manufacturing industries of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, from the middle/upper management perspective. The sample was non-probabilistically selected for convenience, comprising individuals in middle and senior management positions. An original questionnaire containing 105 items measuring five latent variables was developed, reviewed, and validated for data collection.

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Background: The sculpting craft must adopt awkward postures that lead to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).

Objective: This study investigated the prevalence of musculoskeletal discomfort (MD) and its associations with postural risk factors, demographics, and work characteristics among sculptors. They were determined the differences between MDs during the weeks of the study.

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Background: Today's work environments have high cognitive demands, and mental workload is one of the main causes of work stress, human errors, and accidents. While several mental workload studies have compared the mental workload perceived by groups of experienced participants to that perceived by novice groups, no comparisons have been made between the same individuals performing the same tasks at different times.

Objective: This work aims to compare NASA Task Load Index (NASA-TLX) to Workload Profile (WP) in terms of their sensitivity.

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In the manufacturing environments of today, human-machine systems are constituted with complex and advanced technology, which demands workers' considerable mental workload. This work aims to design and evaluate a Graphical User Interface developed to induce mental workload based on Dual N-Back tasks for further analysis of human performance. This study's contribution lies in developing proper cognitive analyses of the graphical user interface, identifying human error when the Dual N-Back tasks are presented in an interface, and seeking better user-system interaction.

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Background: The effects of performing occupational tasks that demand physical and mental efforts in combined and simultaneous approaches are unknown, especially when pushing force is analyzed as a physical effort and solving arithmetic problems as a mental effort.

Objective: In this study, physical and mental demands were simulated in a lab environment to assess the workload.

Methods: Using a push force dynamometer, the maximum push force strength of each participant was recorded, and the physical demand was simulated exerting the push force in low, medium, and high levels.

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Background: This research work establishes the relationship between job strain and being overweight among Mexican managers. Recently in Mexico, there has been a sharp increase in work-related diseases and mental health disorders. Furthermore, evidence shows that Mexicans rank top among employees who suffer from stress, yet research on the impact of job strain on the phenomena of obesity and being overweight among such vulnerable job positions in the industrial field is scarce.

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Mental health disorders resulting from work stressors are increasing in the Mexican manufacturing industry and worldwide. Managerial positions in these contexts are highly stressful, and although physical activity may reduce the negative effects of work stress, the relationships between these two aspects regarding their effects on the body mass index (BMI) of obese managers are scarcely studied. This article aims to study such relationships by using the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) dimensions with the Baecke's physical activity questionnaire dimensions and analyzing their effects on the BMI.

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Due to globalization and the accelerated growth of technology, ever more employees of companies are affected by burnout syndrome, the psychological nature of which requires a prolonged response to chronic interpersonal stressors in work environments. The present research aims to validate the operability of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBI-GS) using a sample of 378 professionals belonging to middle and senior management working in companies within the IMMEX sector (comprising the industrial-manufacturing, maquiladora and export services) located in the state of Baja California, Mexico. Firstly, an exploratory factor analysis using the principal components method and Varimax rotation was performed and the results revealed the existence of three factors representing more than 67 percent of the total variance.

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Background: In developing countries such as Mexico, the effects of burnout syndrome (BS) are observed in manufacturing industries. However, the relationships among BS, Job Content (JC), and Musculoskeletal Complaints (MC) are scarcely studied within the manufacturing sector, even though senior and middle managers are exposed to highly demanding and mentally exhausting situations.

Objectives: The objective of this paper is to determine the relationships among the three BS dimensions, MC, and JC among middle and senior managers of the manufacturing industry in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.

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This paper analyzes the effects of environmental elements on the psychological characteristics and performance of employees in manufacturing systems using structural equation modeling. Increasing the comprehension of these effects may help optimize manufacturing systems regarding their employees' psychological characteristics and performance from a macroergonomic perspective. As the method, a new macroergonomic compatibility questionnaire (MCQ) was developed and statistically validated, and 158 respondents at four manufacture companies were considered.

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