Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the vascularity of primary gastric cancer lesions using color Doppler ultrasonography.
Methods: We used color Doppler ultrasonography to study 78 patients with gastric cancer detected on B-mode ultrasonographic examination and 14 patients without gastric tumors but with a slightly thickened gastric wall that was also detected on B-mode ultrasound. The color Doppler signals of the gastric lesions were graded as (-), no color signals; (+), slight increase in number of color signals; and (++), an obvious increase in number of color signals.
Objective: To determine if the image quality of a personal ultrasound imager (PUI) is as good as that of a conventional machine (CM).
Materials And Methods: Ninety patients were studied by the same operator using both the PUI and CM. The quality of the B-mode images obtained from these patients was scored 0, 1 or 2, defined as poor, fair, or good, respectively.