Background: Olfactory neuroblastoma (ONB) is a rare malignancy that develops in the nasal cavity, with appendicular skeletal metastases being exceptionally uncommon. We report the case of a middle-aged male with ONB, presenting with an unusual biopsy-confirmed solitary metastasis to the left proximal femur.
Case Presentation: A 33-year-old male was previously diagnosed with olfactory neuroblastoma in the skull base after initial clinical presentation with progressive left-sided nasal obstruction for six months.
Background: Problem-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered innovating instructional approach in which students define their learning objectives by using triggers from the problem case or scenario.
Objectives: To assess undergraduate medical students' perception toward PBL sessions and to compare their perceptions among different sex and grade point average (GPA) in the college of medicine, Al-Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Materials And Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study based on a self-administered anonymous online questionnaire during the first semester of the 2017-2018 academic year in IMSIU.