Publications by authors named "Ahmed Al Sayed"

Objective: The objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness and safety profile of coblation tongue base reduction (CBTR) compared to radiofrequency base of tongue (RFBOT) reduction on sleep-related outcomes in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Data Sources: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews databases.

Review Methods: Literature search by 2 independent authors was conducted using the abovementioned databases.

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Biosolids has several challenges, such as its high water content, huge volume, odour, and pathogen presence. Regulations require biosolids to be reused and disposed of safely. Polymer conditioning focuses on volume reduction, leaving pathogen and odour reduction unaddressed.

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Objective: To develop and validate a patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) to evaluate the quality of life (QoL) among patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Study Design: A prospective cohort study.

Settings: Tertiary referral center.

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Herpes simplex virus (HSV) typically presents with characteristic mucocutaneous vesicular lesions. However, atypical manifestations can occur and can be challenging to diagnose, especially in immunocompromised individuals. This case report describes a nine-year-old immunocompromised girl who developed a left nasal vestibular ulcer covered by hemorrhagic crustation and granulation tissue, progressively worsening to a friable exophytic lesion with intact nasal mucosa.

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Objectives: to document existing geographical inequalities in health in the city of Milan (Lombardy Region, Northern Italy), examining the association between area socioeconomic disadvantage and health outcomes, with the aim to suggest policy action to tackle them.

Design: the analysis used an ecological framework; multiple health indicators were considered in the analysis; socioeconomic disadvantage was measured through indicators such as low education, unemployment, immigration status, and housing crowding. For each municipal statistical area, Bayesian Relative Risks of the outcomes (using the Besag-Yorkand-Mollié model) were plotted on the city map.

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Objective: To review new drugs and devices relevant to otolaryngology approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2022.

Data Sources: Publicly available FDA data on drugs and devices approved in 2022.

Review Methods: A preliminary screen was conducted to identify drugs and devices relevant to otolaryngology.

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Nitrous oxide (NO) emissions may account for up to 80 % of a wastewater treatment plant's (WWTP) total carbon footprint. Given the complexity of the pathways involved, estimating NO emissions through mechanistic models still often fails to precisely depict process dynamics. Alternatively, data-driven methods for predicting NO emissions hold substantial potential.

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Article Synopsis
  • Hypertension is a global health issue, significantly contributing to cardiovascular deaths, particularly in Saudi Arabia, where it accounted for 1.9% of all deaths in 2010.
  • This study focused on the prevalence of hypertension among children aged 6-14 in Jazan, Saudi Arabia, using data from participants at Al-Rashid Mall and assessing factors like BMI and family income.
  • Results indicated a similar prevalence of hypertension in both genders and highlighted overweight and obesity as key risk factors, underscoring the need for early interventions to combat pediatric hypertension.
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Objectives: Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis (CRSwNP) is a highly prevalent and challenging disease to manage. Several systematic reviews (SRs) have been carried out to evaluate the efficacy and safety of biologic therapies. We aimed to evaluate the current and available evidence of the biologics in treating CRSwNP.

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Nowadays, the shift toward energy and resource-efficient wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) has become a necessity rather than a choice. For this purpose, there has been a restored interest in replacing the typical energy and resource-extensive activated sludge process with the two-stage Adsorption/bio-oxidation (A/B) configuration. In the A/B configuration, the role of the A-stage process is to maximize organics diversion to the solids stream and control the following B-stage's influent to allow for the attainment of tangible energy savings.

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Objective: To determine how surgery, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), and no treatment impact health care utilization in patients who have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Study Design: This is a retrospective cohort study of patients between the ages of 18 and 65 that were diagnosed with OSA (9th International Classification of Diseases) from January 2007 to December 2015. Data were collected over 2 years, and prediction models were generated to evaluate trends over time.

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Background: Tonsillectomy is a commonly performed procedure in Canada. The rate of occult malignancy is rare in adult and pediatric populations. At present, no guidelines exist surrounding the need for routine histopathological evaluation of tonsil specimens when no malignancy is suspected.

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The interest in the A-stage of the adsorption/bio-oxidation (A/B) process has considerably increased due to its capacity of carbon redirection to the solids stream. Induced by its flexible and compact design, the Alternating Activated Adsorption (AAA) was recently implemented in full-scale as an alternative A-stage system. However, the literature on such a system is scarce.

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Methanotrophic biotechnologies for methane mitigation and nitrogen removal are becoming more apparent. However, the sludge produced during these processes is often underutilized and instead can be applied for resources recovery. Fortunately, methanotrophic bacteria can utilize methane while also producing poly-hydroxy-butyrate (PHB), bioplastics, under nutrients deficient conditions.

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Within wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), the anaerobically produced biogas is often underutilized. Fortunately, methanotrophic based biotechnologies can be the remedy for on-site exploitation and recovery of unused biogas. In this regard, efforts have been placed on evaluating the suitably of methanotrophs to be deployed in WWTPs.

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Desmoid-type fibromatosis (DF) is a rare soft tissue lesion with an annual incidence of 2 to 4 per million population and peak incidence occurring at approximately 4.5 years of age. While benign, the tumor has a locally aggressive infiltrative growth pattern and a high rate of recurrence.

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Introduction: Pulsatile tinnitus is a relatively common presentation in otolaryngology clinics, most cases of which have a treatable cause. This presentation warrants a thorough workup to identify treatable, and rule out life-threatening, etiologies. We present a case of a patient with pulsatile tinnitus arising from multiple dilated venous channels in the head and neck.

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Background: Lymphoepithelial carcinoma (LEC) of the salivary glands is a rare, but distinct, poorly-differentiated neoplasm that resembles undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinomas (NPC). Among primary salivary gland LECs, they most commonly arise in the parotid gland. These lesions have a noticeable racial predilection, mostly occurring in Asians and Arctic region native populations.

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Background: Thyroid gland infections are rare. Their incidence is estimated to be less than 1% in immunocompromised hosts. Most common pathogens isolated are Gram positive aerobic cocci.

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Objective: Piezosurgery, used in different otolaryngology procedures, was a breakthrough in surgery. We systematically reviewed the differences in outcomes after lateral nasal osteotomy with peizosurgery and conventional osteotome and quantified the differences through a meta-analysis.

Methods: Medline, Embase, and Cochrane library databases were selected to search for randomized clinical trials (RCTs) published before January 2019 that detailed differences between piezosurgery and conventional osteotomy.

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Methanotrophs are of great interest due to their distinguish ability of recovering value-added commodities such as methanol and lipids while mitigating methane. The enhancement of methanotrophs cultivation process conditions is a pivotal step to develop a feasible methanotrophic bioreactor. In this study, multiple batch tests have been performed to evaluate the aqueous growth medium elements including nitrogen, copper, and biomass density and the gaseous headspace composition influence on methanotrophs activity and the associated microbial community.

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The fundamental components required for scaling up the production of biogas-based biopolymers can be provided through a single process, that is, anaerobic digestion (AD). In this research, the possibility of enriching methane-utilizing mixed cultures from the AD process was explored as well as their capability to accumulate polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs). For almost 70 days of operation in a fed-batch cyclic mode, the specific growth rate was 0.

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Methanotrophic based process can be the remedy to offset the wastewater treatment facilities increasing energy requirements due to methanotroph's unique ability to integrate methane assimilation with multiple biotechnological applications like biological nitrogen removal and methanol production. Regardless of the methanotrophic process end product, the challenge to maintain stable microbial growth in the methanotrophs cultivation bioreactor at higher cell densities is one of the major obstacles facing the process upscaling. Therefore, a series of consecutive batch tests were performed to attentively investigate the biomass density influence on type I methanotrophs bacterial growth.

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Objective: Chronic sinusitis is a very common yet poorly understood medical condition with significant morbidity. Hence, it remains an entity that is difficult to treat with unsatisfactory outcomes of current management options. This necessitates research into the etiology and pathophysiology of the condition to enhance our knowledge and the therapeutic options.

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