To efficiently engineer intracellular dextransucrase (DSase) expression in Escherichia coli, a high-throughput screening method was developed based on the polymer-forming activity of the enzyme. Recombinant E. coli containing the Leuconostoc citreum DSase (LcDS) gene was grown on Luria-Bertani agar plates, containing 2% sucrose, at 37°C for 8 h.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA dextransucrase (LcDS) gene from Leuconostoc citreum HJ-P4 has been amplified and cloned in E. coli. The LcDS gene consists of 4,431 nucleotides encoding 1,477 amino acid residues sharing 63-98% of amino acid sequence identities with other known dextransucrases from Leuc.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBarley alpha-amylase genes, amy1 and amy2, were separately cloned into the expression vector of pPICZalphaA and recombinant Pichia strains were established by homologous recombination. Both AMYs from Pichia shared almost identical hydrolysis patterns on short maltooligosaccharides to result in glucose, maltose, or maltotriose. Against insoluble blue starch, AMY1 showed the highest activity at 0.
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