Prcis: Presented is a novel surgical technique, termed the "pocket" technique, of scleral patch graft placement into a subconjuntival pocket to cover exposed glaucoma tube shunts, which is particularly useful in cases of scarred and thinned conjunctiva and Tenons.
Abstract: Exposure of glaucoma tube shunts is an uncommon postoperative complication which poses a significant risk to the patient and may be difficult to repair. In this case series, the authors present 2 cases using a novel surgical technique, the "pocket" technique, to place a scleral patch graft to address tube exposure.
Purpose: To describe a novel surgical technique aimed to approach those orbital lesions located superior and posterior to the equator of the globe.
Methods: We describe a novel surgical technique that was performed in four patients to approach intraorbital tumors superiorly and posteriorly located. This technique was completed through an upper eyelid skin crease followed by grinding the superior orbital rim to achieve complete removal of the lesions.