Publications by authors named "Agoff S"

Background: High-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) testing has become integral in the screening and treatment protocols for cervical neoplasia. Stand-alone HPV testing is advocated as a screening tool for cervical neoplasia. However, negative hrHPV tests with diagnosis of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion or worse (≥HSIL) have been reported.

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Intraepithelial fallopian tube neoplasia is thought to be a precursor lesion to high-grade serous carcinoma of the Müllerian adnexae, particularly in women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations. This association has led to recommendations to assess fallopian tubes for intraepithelial atypia. However, the diagnostic reproducibility of a diagnosis of intraepithelial neoplasia is unclear.

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Background: The current study was conducted to determine the feasibility of cytologically clearing the bladder of tumor cells after transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURBT) and aggressive serial bladder washing.

Methods: A prospective pilot sample of 20 patients with known bladder masses was enrolled before undergoing TURBT. Preoperative cytology and 4 postoperative cytology specimens were assessed for malignant cells between serial bladder washes.

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Background: Metastasis is the most important predictor of survival in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). We tested the hypothesis that there is a genetic expression profile associated with OSCC metastasis.

Methods: We obtained samples from 6 OSCC node-positive primary tumors and their matched metastatic lymph nodes, and 5 OSCC node-negative primary tumors.

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Interpreting biliary brush cytology (BBC) findings in primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is problematic. In our study, BBC findings and CA19-9 serum levels were evaluated for their effectiveness in diagnosing cholangiocarcinoma in patients with PSC. We reviewed 107 biliary brushings from 51 patients with PSC and concurrent CA19-9 levels between January 1995 and March 2004 at the University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle.

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Objective: We sought to evaluate the effectiveness of the auramine orange (AO) stain in diagnosing mycobacterial cervical adenitis (MCA) from fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology.

Methods: A retrospective review of 19 patients evaluated at 2 urban hospitals from 2000 to 2003 for suspected MCA. FNA specimens were inoculated to culture media and had direct smears stained by the auramine acid fast method.

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Currently we lack biochemical or molecular markers that predict recurrence and metastases in thyroid cancer. Recent studies in a number of other human malignancies indicate that expression and/or subcellular localization of certain cell cycle regulators has prognostic utility. We have investigated the expression of cyclins D1 and E and of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor's p21 and p27 in papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) and correlated this with clinical/histological stage at diagnosis and with clinical outcome.

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Evaluation of papillary lesions of the breast can be difficult, and in core needle biopsy specimens, accurate diagnosis is challenging. Initial studies suggested that all papillary lesions revealed by core biopsy required surgical excision. Recent data suggest that only papillary lesions with atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) revealed by core biopsy need surgical excision.

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DNA microarrays are powerful tools for exploring gene expression and predicting disease state. However, since the number of variables (genes) typically exceeds the number of samples (tissue specimens), many potentially spurious genes may be selected for a predictor function. Principle component analysis (PCA) can greatly reduce the high-dimensional microarray data space while retaining most of the inherent variability.

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Objectives/hypothesis: The objective was to identify a genomic profile that predicts the likelihood of oral squamous cell carcinoma compared with normal oral mucosa in unknown tissue samples.

Study Design: Using a training set of tissue samples that were histologically classified as oral squamous cell carcinoma or normal mucosa, the authors used principal component analysis to develop a genomic predictor for oral squamous cell carcinoma. On a separate test set of unclassified samples, the authors used the predictor to classify the samples, then evaluated the performance of the predictor using histological diagnosis.

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Although cigarette smoking has been identified as a cofactor for cervical neoplasia, it is not clear whether smoking exerts an early or late effect on the evolution of human papillomavirus (HPV)-related lesions. A case-control study of Washington State women who presented for routine gynecologic care from 1997 to 2001 was conducted. All women underwent cytologic testing and HPV DNA screening.

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We sought to determine the prevalence of androgen receptor (AR) expression in a predominantly estrogen receptor (ER)-negative subset of breast cancers and delineate the immunohistochemical and clinical associations, including whether AR expression has prognostic significance in ER-negative tumors. We identified 69 ER-negative and 19 ER-positive breast cancer cases with concurrent immunohistochemical prognostic panels (ER, PR, HER-2/neu, Ki-67, and p53); immunohistochemical analysis was performed for AR using standard techniques. Clinical data were extracted from medical records.

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Although recent studies have suggested that p16(INK4a) may be a useful surrogate biomarker of cervical neoplasia, Ki-67 and human papillomavirus testing have also been shown to be useful in detecting neoplasia. To help delineate the utility of p16(INK4a), biopsy samples (n = 569: negative, 133; reactive, 75; atypical, 39; low grade, 76; moderate, 80; and severe intraepithelial neoplasia, 113; also, squamous cell carcinoma, 46; adenocarcinoma, 7) were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for expression of p16(INK4a) and Ki-67 (n = 432), as well as by in situ hybridization for human papillomavirus Type 16 (n = 219). Testing for high-risk human papillomavirus types by polymerase chain reaction and HybridCapture2 was performed on concurrent cervical swab specimens.

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Occasionally, heterotopic splenic tissue can occur in the renal fossa secondary to splenosis following splenic trauma or splenectomy. More rarely, it can represent a developmental anomaly secondary to the fusion of splenic and renal tissues. Splenorenal fusion can present as a renal mass, mimicking primary or secondary renal neoplasms on imaging studies, and patients can also present with symptoms of hypersplenism (anemia).

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We sought to determine the efficacy of remaking initially unsatisfactory cervicovaginal ThinPrep (Cytyc, Boxborough, MA) specimens with and without the addition of glacial acetic acid (GAA) and the effect on human papilloma virus (HPV) Hybrid Capture II (HC2; Digene, Gaithersburg, MD) testing. A total of 583 initially unsatisfactory ThinPrep slide preparations were identified, and remakes were made with the residual in the PreservCyt (Cytyc) vials with (n = 455) or without (n = 128) GAA. Clinical follow-up information was obtained.

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Background: Currently, the classification of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) depends heavily on the clinical and pathologic examination of tissue. This system can lead to the classification of potentially heterogeneous tumors into single groups when they may have different degrees of aggressiveness. No system to date has incorporated genetic changes as a factor by which to classify OSCC tumors.

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Identification of inheritable mutations associated with the development of malignancy has led to prophylactic surgeries to remove tissues at risk. We report seven unrelated patients with family histories of breast and/or ovarian cancer, five of whom underwent prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy with hysterectomy. Four had proven BRCA-1 or -2 mutations.

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Primary lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma (LELC) of the lung is a neoplasm seen most commonly in the nasopharynx of individuals from south China and Taiwan, and is strongly associated with the Epstein-Barr virus. The case of a 62-year-old Chinese man with a rare primary lung T2N1M0 LELC of the left lower lobe is presented. The lesion was further notable because of the presence of necrotizing granulomatous inflammation.

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Seventeen cases of spindled melanomas and eleven cases of epithelioid melanomas were immunolabeled with various melanoma and Schwann cell markers. Standard melanoma markers included S100, HMB45, HMB50, tyrosinase, and Melan A. Schwann cell markers included the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), and the L1 adhesion protein.

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Distinguishing low grade endometrial stromal sarcoma (ESS) from benign smooth muscle proliferations like cellular leiomyoma (CL) can be problematic; because of differing treatments and prognosis, this distinction is important. The authors tested the hypothesis that low grade ESS could be distinguished from CL by immunohistochemistry using a panel of antibodies that have not previously been used in this setting. Antibodies to calponin, smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (SMM-HC), the Wilms tumor gene product (WT-1), and CD10 were applied to 14 cases of ESS (10 low grade, 4 high grade) and 9 CL.

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Adenoma and adenocarcinoma of the ampulla of Vater are uncommon neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract. Only one report has analyzed the relationship between ampullary adenocarcinoma and pancreatic intraductal neoplasia (PanIN), the precursor lesion of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. An association between PanIN and ampullary adenoma has not been reported previously.

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Background: Spindle cell lipoma (SCL) is a benign neoplasm characterized by a mixture of mature fat, bland spindle cells and wiry collagen in a variably myxoid background. Oral SCLs are rare, and only four cases of intramuscular SCL exist in the literature. We report the first case of intramuscular SCL of the oral cavity with fine needle aspiration (FNA) findings.

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