Publications by authors named "Aephraim M Steinberg"

We observe spin rotations caused by atomic collisions in a nonequilibrium Bose-condensed gas of ^{87}Rb. Reflection from a pseudomagnetic barrier creates counterflow in which forward- and backward-propagating matter waves have partly transverse spin directions. Even though inter-atomic interaction strengths are state independent, the indistinguishability of parallel spins leads to spin dynamics.

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Operator noncommutation, a hallmark of quantum theory, limits measurement precision, according to uncertainty principles. Wielded correctly, though, noncommutation can boost precision. A recent foundational result relates a metrological advantage with negative quasiprobabilities-quantum extensions of probabilities-engendered by noncommuting operators.

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How much time does a tunneling particle spend in a barrier? A Larmor clock, one proposal to answer this question, measures the interaction between the particle and the barrier region using an auxiliary degree of freedom of the particle to clock the dwell time inside the barrier. We report on precise Larmor time measurements of ultracold ^{87}Rb atoms tunneling through an optical barrier, which confirm longstanding predictions of tunneling times. We observe that atoms generally spend less time tunneling through higher barriers and that this time decreases for lower energy particles.

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Tunnelling is one of the most characteristic phenomena of quantum physics, underlying processes such as photosynthesis and nuclear fusion, as well as devices ranging from superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometers to superconducting qubits for quantum computers. The question of how long a particle takes to tunnel through a barrier, however, has remained contentious since the first attempts to calculate it. It is now well understood that the group delay-the arrival time of the peak of the transmitted wavepacket at the far side of the barrier-can be smaller than the barrier thickness divided by the speed of light, without violating causality.

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Every imaging system has a resolution limit, typically defined by Rayleigh's criterion. Given a fixed number of photons, the amount of information one can gain from an image about the separation between two sources falls to zero as the separation drops below this limit, an effect dubbed "Rayleigh's curse." Recently, in a quantum-information-inspired proposal, Tsang and co-workers found that there is, in principle, infinitely more information present in the full electromagnetic field in the image plane than in the intensity alone, and suggested methods for extracting this information and beating the Rayleigh limit.

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We experimentally study tunneling of Bose-condensed ^{87}Rb atoms prepared in a quasibound state and observe a nonexponential decay caused by interatomic interactions. A combination of a magnetic quadrupole trap and a thin 1.3  μm barrier created using a blue-detuned sheet of light is used to tailor traps with controllable depth and tunneling rate.

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We present an experiment using a sample of laser-cooled Rb atoms to show that cross-phase modulation schemes continue to benefit from electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) even as the transparency window is made narrower than the signal bandwidth (i.e., for signal pulses much shorter than the response time of the EIT system).

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We demonstrate coherence between exciton-polariton condensates created resonantly at different times. The coherence persists much longer than the individual particle dephasing time, and this persistence increases as the particle density increases. The observed coherence time exceeds that of the injecting laser pulse by more than an order of magnitude.

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We present an experimental realization of a flexible quantum channel where the Hilbert space dimensionality can be controlled electronically. Using electro-optical modulators (EOM) and narrow-band optical filters, quantum information is encoded and decoded in the temporal degrees of freedom of photons from a long-coherence-time single-photon source. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of a generic scheme for encoding and transmitting multidimensional quantum information over the existing fiber-optical telecommunications infrastructure.

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Data compression is a ubiquitous aspect of modern information technology, and the advent of quantum information raises the question of what types of compression are feasible for quantum data, where it is especially relevant given the extreme difficulty involved in creating reliable quantum memories. We present a protocol in which an ensemble of quantum bits (qubits) can in principle be perfectly compressed into exponentially fewer qubits. We then experimentally implement our algorithm, compressing three photonic qubits into two.

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N00N states-maximally path-entangled states of N photons-exhibit spatial interference patterns sharper than any classical interference pattern. This is known as superresolution. However, even given perfectly efficient number-resolving detectors, the detection efficiency of all previous measurements of such interference would decrease exponentially with the number of photons in the N00N state, often leading to the conclusion that N00N states are unsuitable for spatial measurements.

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The response of a particle in a periodic potential to an applied force is commonly described by an effective mass, which accounts for the detailed interaction between the particle and the surrounding potential. Using a Bose-Einstein condensate of (87)Rb atoms initially in the ground band of an optical lattice, we experimentally show that the initial response of a particle to an applied force is in fact characterized by the bare mass. Subsequently, the particle response undergoes rapid oscillations and only over time scales that are long compared to those of the interband dynamics is the effective mass observed to be an appropriate description.

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We demonstrate coherent control of population transfer between vibrational states in an optical lattice by using interference between a one-phonon transition at 2ω and a two-phonon transition at ω. The ω and 2ω transitions are driven by phase- and amplitude-modulation of the lattice laser beams, respectively. By varying the relative phase of these two pathways, we control the branching ratio between transitions to the first excited state and those to the higher states.

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We propose a multidimensional quantum information encoding approach based on temporal modulation of single photons, where the Hilbert space can be spanned by an in-principle infinite set of orthonormal temporal profiles. We analyze two specific realizations of such modulation schemes, and show that error rate per symbol can be smaller than 1% for practical implementations. Temporal modulation may enable multidimensional quantum communication over the existing fiber optical infrastructure, as well as provide an avenue for probing high-dimensional entanglement approaching the continuous limit.

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While there is a rigorously proven relationship about uncertainties intrinsic to any quantum system, often referred to as "Heisenberg's uncertainty principle," Heisenberg originally formulated his ideas in terms of a relationship between the precision of a measurement and the disturbance it must create. Although this latter relationship is not rigorously proven, it is commonly believed (and taught) as an aspect of the broader uncertainty principle. Here, we experimentally observe a violation of Heisenberg's "measurement-disturbance relationship", using weak measurements to characterize a quantum system before and after it interacts with a measurement apparatus.

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We present experimental observations of a nonresonant dynamic Stark shift in strongly coupled microcavity quantum well exciton polaritons--a system which provides a rich variety of solid-state collective phenomena. The Stark effect is demonstrated in a GaAs/AlGaAs system at 10 K by femtosecond pump-probe measurements, with the blueshift approaching the meV scale for a pump fluence of 2  mJ cm(-2) and 50 meV red detuning, in good agreement with theory. The energy level structure of the strongly coupled polariton Rabi doublet remains unaffected by the blueshift.

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We show that weak measurement can be used to "amplify" optical nonlinearities at the single-photon level, such that the effect of one properly postselected photon on a classical beam may be as large as that of many unpostselected photons. We find that "weak-value amplification" offers a marked improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio in the presence of technical noise with long correlation times. Unlike previous weak-measurement experiments, our proposed scheme has no classical equivalent.

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A consequence of the quantum mechanical uncertainty principle is that one may not discuss the path or "trajectory" that a quantum particle takes, because any measurement of position irrevocably disturbs the momentum, and vice versa. Using weak measurements, however, it is possible to operationally define a set of trajectories for an ensemble of quantum particles. We sent single photons emitted by a quantum dot through a double-slit interferometer and reconstructed these trajectories by performing a weak measurement of the photon momentum, postselected according to the result of a strong measurement of photon position in a series of planes.

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Closed timelike curves (CTCs) are trajectories in spacetime that effectively travel backwards in time: a test particle following a CTC can interact with its former self in the past. A widely accepted quantum theory of CTCs was proposed by Deutsch. Here we analyze an alternative quantum formulation of CTCs based on teleportation and postselection, and show that it is inequivalent to Deutsch's.

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Motivated by our observation of fast echo decay and a surprising coherence freeze, we have developed a pump-probe spectroscopy technique for vibrational states of 85Rb atoms in an optical lattice to gain information about the memory dynamics of the system. We monitor the time-dependent changes of frequencies experienced by atoms and characterize the probability distribution of these frequency trajectories. We show that the inferred distribution, unlike a naive microscopic model of the lattice, correctly predicts the main features of the observed echo decay.

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Quantum mechanics forbids deterministic discrimination among nonorthogonal states. Nonetheless, the capability to distinguish nonorthogonal states unambiguously is an important primitive in quantum information processing. In this work, we experimentally implement generalized measurements in an optical system and demonstrate the first optimal unambiguous discrimination between three nonorthogonal states, with a success rate of 55%, to be compared with the 25% maximum achievable using projective measurements.

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We present an experimental realization of a two-photon conditional phase switch, related to the " c-phis;" gate of quantum computation. This gate relies on quantum interference between photon pairs and generates entanglement between two optical modes through the process of spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC). The interference effect serves to enhance the effective nonlinearity by many orders of magnitude, so it is significant at the quantum (single-photon) level.

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