Publications by authors named "Adrian England"

We present a case of a 33-year-old woman in her third pregnancy diagnosed with platelet storage pool disorder who had previously suffered two postpartum major obstetric haemorrhages. Platelet storage pool disorder is a rare bleeding disorder where the platelet count is normal but platelet function is impaired due to deficiency of dense granules. A peripartum plan devised by an extensive multi-disciplinary team using principles for managing other bleeding and platelet function disorders helped minimise her risk of major haemorrhage.

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Facial oedema leading to airway compromise immediately after surgery is a rare event. We report a case of acute facial swelling sufficient to cause a significant obstruction of the patient's airway in recovery. We believe it was caused by partial obstruction of the venous drainage from the head associated with a sudden and large fluid load.

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Background: Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) remains one of the leading causes of maternal morbidity and mortality worldwide, although the lack of a precise definition precludes accurate data of the absolute prevalence of PPH.

Study Design And Methods: An international expert panel in obstetrics, gynecology, hematology, transfusion, and anesthesiology undertook a comprehensive review of the literature. At a meeting in November 2011, the panel agreed on a definition of severe PPH that would identify those women who were at a high risk of adverse clinical outcomes.

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A retrospective review was carried out on the methods of obstetric analgesia/anesthesia used in 80 pregnancies amongst 63 women with inherited bleeding disorders (19 factor XI deficiency, 16 carriers of haemophilia, 15 von Willebrand disease, seven platelet function disorders, four factor VII deficiency, one factor VII and XI deficiency and one factor X deficiency). In 72 pregnancies, the woman was seen antenatally in a multidisciplinary clinic to discuss and plan pain relief options. Regional block was performed for 41 pregnancies.

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