Publications by authors named "Adamson B"

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurodegenerative disease often leading to cognitive and motor impairment. Little research has examined motor preparation and initiation outcomes in the brain among persons with MS. The lateralized readiness potential is an ERP component that indexes pre-motor activity evaluating the stimulus (LRP-S) and motor activation for the response (LRP-R).

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Objectives: The objective of this study is to explore how the UK versus the USA compare in patient characteristics, treatment patterns and overall survival (OS) of patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (aNSCLC) initiating first-line (1L) treatment.

Design: Retrospective cohort study.

Setting: Oncology treatment centres in the USA and UK.

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This paper presents a validated method using ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography with photodiode array detection coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry (UHPLC-PDA-HRMS) for the simultaneous analysis of a wide range of natural and synthetic organic colourants, including neutral, acidic and basic dyes. In total, 30 natural and 62 synthetic organic dye reference samples (which contain 118 compounds because some of the dyes are composed of mixtures) were analysed. The method demonstrated good linearity for the 12 dyes selected for method validation achieving correlation coefficients (R) exceeding 0.

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  • Prime editing enables precise genetic modifications with fewer unwanted changes, but its inconsistent effectiveness has limited its use in large-scale genetic studies.
  • Researchers developed a new prime editing platform that achieves high-efficiency editing, allowing them to investigate over 240,000 engineered guide RNAs targeting various genetic variants.
  • The study successfully identified specific genetic mutations that negatively impact essential genes, confirming that the observed effects were directly tied to the precise edits made.
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Aggregates of stem cells can break symmetry and self-organize into embryo-like structures with complex morphologies and gene expression patterns. Mechanisms including reaction-diffusion Turing patterns and cell sorting have been proposed to explain symmetry breaking but distinguishing between these candidate mechanisms of self-organization requires identifying which early asymmetries evolve into subsequent tissue patterns and cell fates. Here we use synthetic 'signal-recording' gene circuits to trace the evolution of signalling patterns in gastruloids, three-dimensional stem cell aggregates that form an anterior-posterior axis and structures resembling the mammalian primitive streak and tailbud.

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Resistance to androgen receptor (AR)-targeted therapies represents a major challenge in prostate cancer. A key mechanism of treatment resistance in patients who progress to castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) is the generation of alternatively spliced AR variants (AR-V). Unlike full-length AR isoforms, AR-Vs are constitutively active and refractory to current receptor-targeting agents and hence drive tumor progression.

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  • - This pilot study evaluated a 12-week virtual Pilates program for individuals with mild to severe multiple sclerosis (MS), comparing a Pilates-only group to one that included additional exercises targeting hip and shoulder-cuff activation.
  • - While 22 people started the study and 16 completed it, the analysis showed overall improvements in walking speed (36%), mobility (13%), and balance (10%), though no significant differences were found between the two exercise groups.
  • - Participants expressed high satisfaction with the program, indicating that virtual, seated Pilates may be a feasible option that could improve balance for individuals with MS.
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Prime editing has emerged as a precise and powerful genome editing tool, offering a favorable gene editing profile compared to other Cas9-based approaches. Here we report new nCas9-DNA polymerase fusion proteins to create chimeric oligonucleotide-directed editing (CODE) systems for search-and-replace genome editing. Through successive rounds of engineering, we developed CODEMax and CODEMax(exo+) editors that achieve efficient genome modifications in human cells with low unintended edits.

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  • Genome editing has the potential to transform treatments for genetic diseases, but a poor understanding of how DNA repair works in cells, particularly nondividing ones like neurons, limits its effectiveness.
  • In this study, researchers used induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to analyze how neurons repair DNA damage caused by the Cas9 editing tool, finding that it takes neurons significantly longer to resolve this damage compared to iPSCs.
  • The research revealed that neurons unexpectedly activate certain DNA repair genes traditionally linked to cell division, and by manipulating these responses, scientists could steer neuronal repair towards more precise and effective gene editing results.
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MUC2 mucin, the primary gel-forming component of intestinal mucus, is well researched and a model of polymerisation and post-secretory organisation has been published previously. Recently, several significant developments have been made which either introduce new ideas or challenge previous theories. New ideas include an overhaul of the MUC2 C-terminal globular structure which is proposed to harbour several previously unobserved domains, and include a site for an extra intermolecular disulphide bridge dimer between the cysteine 4379 of adjacent MUC2 C-termini.

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  • The ISPOR Good Practices report outlines a framework to evaluate electronic health records (EHR) data for health technology assessments (HTAs), highlighting their benefits and limitations.
  • It consists of two main parts: data delineation, which involves assessing data characteristics, provenance, and governance, and data fitness for purpose, focusing on reliability and relevance for decision-making.
  • The report also provides the ISPOR SUITABILITY Checklist for EHR data, recommendations for HTA agencies, and discusses limitations and future prospects, particularly in relation to advancements in artificial intelligence.
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Prime editing installs precise edits into the genome with minimal unwanted byproducts, but low and variable editing efficiencies have complicated application of the approach to high-throughput functional genomics. Leveraging several recent advances, we assembled a prime editing platform capable of high-efficiency substitution editing across a set of engineered prime editing guide RNAs (epegRNAs) and corresponding target sequences (80% median intended editing). Then, using a custom library of 240,000 epegRNAs targeting >17,000 codons with 175 different substitution types, we benchmarked our platform for functional interrogation of small substitution variants (1-3 nucleotides) targeted to essential genes.

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Prime editing enables the precise modification of genomes through reverse transcription of template sequences appended to the 3' ends of CRISPR-Cas guide RNAs. To identify cellular determinants of prime editing, we developed scalable prime editing reporters and performed genome-scale CRISPR-interference screens. From these screens, a single factor emerged as the strongest mediator of prime editing: the small RNA-binding exonuclease protection factor La.

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Disability awareness and competency trainings are an important component of addressing ableism and health equity in the health promotion context. This commentary describes our process of developing, implementing, and refining a disability competency training, the Inclusive Community Exercise Training, for community-based group exercise instructors. The training originated from a partnership between academic researchers, community organizations, and individuals with disabilities.

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Immune checkpoint blockade has yet to produce robust anti-cancer responses for prostate cancer. Sialyltransferases have been shown across several solid tumours, including breast, melanoma, colorectal and prostate to promote immune suppression by synthesising sialoglycans, which act as ligands for Siglec receptors. We report that ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 1 (ST3Gal1) levels negatively correlate with androgen signalling in prostate tumours.

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Using transient inhibition of DNA mismatch repair during a permissive stage of development, we demonstrate highly efficient prime editing of mouse embryos with few unwanted, local byproducts (average 58% precise edit frequency, 0.5% on-target error frequency across 13 substitution edits at 8 sites), enabling same-generation phenotyping of founders. Whole-genome sequencing reveals that mismatch repair inhibition increases off-target indels at low-complexity regions in the genome without any obvious phenotype in mice.

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Background: Symptomatic COVID-19 and Long COVID, also referred to as post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC) or post-COVID conditions, have been widely reported in young, healthy people, but their prevalence has not yet been determined in student athletes. We sought to estimate the prevalence of reported COVID-19, symptomatic COVID-19, and Long COVID in college athletes in the United States attending 18 schools from spring 2020 to fall 2021.

Methods: We developed an online survey to measure the prevalence of student athletes who tested positive for COVID-19, developed Long COVID, and did not return to their sport during the relevant time period.

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Background: Community-based fitness programs can support public health by providing access to physical activity opportunities for a vulnerable population with significant barriers. Unfortunately, programs specifically designed for people with disabilities (PWD) and staff training to promote inclusion for PWD in general population programs is limited. The current study aimed to review an on-going partnership that had formed to address this need.

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Internal validity is often the primary concern for health technology assessment agencies when assessing comparative effectiveness evidence. However, the increasing use of real-world data from countries other than a health technology assessment agency's target population in effectiveness research has increased concerns over the external validity, or "transportability", of this evidence, and has led to a preference for local data. Methods have been developed to enable a lack of transportability to be addressed, for example by accounting for cross-country differences in disease characteristics, but their consideration in health technology assessments is limited.

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Objectives: Examine whether data from early access to medicines in the USA can be used to inform National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) health technology assessments (HTA) in oncology.

Design: Retrospective cohort study.

Setting: Oncology-based community and academic treatment centres in the USA.

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Interferons (IFNs) play crucial roles in antiviral defenses. Despite using the same Janus-activated kinase (JAK)-signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) signaling cascade, type I and III IFN receptors differ in the magnitude and dynamics of their signaling in terms of STAT phosphorylation, gene transcription, and antiviral responses. These differences are not due to ligand-binding affinity and receptor abundance.

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As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance with breakthroughs in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML), such as the development of models like OpenAI's ChatGPT, new opportunities are emerging for efficient curation of electronic health records (EHR) into real-world data (RWD) for evidence generation in oncology. Our objective is to describe the research and development of industry methods to promote transparency and explainability. We applied NLP with ML techniques to train, validate, and test the extraction of information from unstructured documents (e.

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  • * AR-Vs activate androgenic signaling independently and resist existing therapies, highlighting the need for new treatment strategies targeting their function.
  • * The study identifies DNA-PKcs as a crucial element in regulating AR-V activity and suggests that targeting this protein may effectively reduce AR-V signaling in advanced PC, offering a promising therapeutic avenue for resistant cases.
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