Objectives: Hearing implants often limit the assessment of magnetic resonance examinations due to susceptibility artefacts. Our aim was to evaluate the impact of artefacts attributed to the Osia®2 implant system in terms of utility in visualizing selected cranial structures.
Methods: A BI300 implant and an OSI200 actuator were implanted into a human cadaver head in the audiologically most favourable position according to the manufacturer's guidelines.
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol
August 2024
Radiotherapy-induced heterotopic tissue calcification is an exceedingly rare complication in the head and neck region. We report a patient with extensive, radiotherapy-induced, combined subcutaneous and intramuscular, heterotopic calcification of the neck. An 80-year-old male presented with a 2-month history of severe dysphagia and a painful ulcer on the neck 42 years after salvage total laryngectomy following radiotherapy (total dose: 80 Gy) for a T3N0M0 glottic squamous cell carcinoma.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: During cochlear implantation surgery, a range of complications may occur such as tip fold-over. We recently developed a method to estimate the insertion orientation of the electrode array. The aim of the study was to determine the optimal angle of orientation in a cohort of cochlear implanted patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEur Arch Otorhinolaryngol
October 2022
Purpose: Continuous technological advances result in the availability of new bone conduction hearing implants, of which their suitability for pediatric patients is of major concern. The CochlearOsia 2 is a new active osseointegrated steady-state implant system that uses digital piezoelectric stimulation to treat hearing loss. The implant in the United States was approved for patients aged 12 years and above, whereas the CE mark is independent of age, the only requirement is body weight of at least 7 kg.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: Összefoglaló. Bevezetés: Az elmúlt években a cochlearis implantátum a súlyos halláskárosodás vagy a teljes siketség rutinszerű és hatékony kezelési eszközévé vált. Korunk egyik leggyakrabban használt és leghatékonyabb újítása a cochlearis implantációban a perimodiolaris vékony elektródasorok alkalmazása.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground And Purpose: Our goal was to determine the optimal orientation of insertion of the Slim Modiolar electrode and develop an easy-to-use method to aid implantation surgery. In some instances, the electrode arrays cannot be inserted in their full length. This can lead to buckling, interscalar dislocation or tip fold-over.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: Összefoglaló. Bevezetés: A cochlearis implantátum egy műtétileg behelyezett elektromos eszköz, amely az akusztikus hanghullámokat elektromos jelekké alakítja, közvetlenül a hallóideget stimulálja, így segíti a súlyos fokú hallássérüléssel vagy teljes hallásvesztéssel élők életét. Cochlearis implantációt követően a legjobb rehabilitációs eredmény elérésének technikai feltétele többek között az esetre szabott elektródaválasztás és az elektródasor teljes, kontrollált, szövődménymentes bejuttatása a scala tympaniba, miközben a cochlea belső struktúrája a lehető legkisebb mértékben sérül.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: Összefoglaló. Bevezetés: Az emberi sziklacsont a halántékcsont része, egy bonyolult és változatos anatómiai felépítésű struktúra. A sziklacsonton végzett beavatkozások előtt, a műtéti szövődmények megelőzése érdekében, nélkülözhetetlen a biztos anatómiai tudás és kézügyesség megszerzése, valamint az egyes műtéti lépések és mozdulatok begyakorlása.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOlder adults with mild or no hearing loss make more errors and expend more effort listening to speech. Cochlear implants (CI) restore hearing to deaf patients but with limited fidelity. We hypothesized that patient-reported hearing and health-related quality of life in CI patients may similarly vary according to age.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBone-anchored hearing aids (BAHAs) have been used for multiple types of hearing loss both in pediatric and adult cases. In the last decades, the percutaneous BAHA® Connect System (Cochlear Ltd., Sydney, Australia) was replaced by the fully implanted transcutaneous, magnet-based BAHA® Attract System (Cochlear Ltd.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRecently, 6 percent of COVID-19 patients required prolonged mechanical ventilation due to severe respiratory failure. Early tracheostomy prevents the risk of postintubation upper airway stenosis. In the pandemic, all surgical interventions that generate aerosol increase the risk of contamination of the medical staff, for which reason the "traditional" indications of tracheostomy have to be revised.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground - Several cochlear implant recipients experience functionality loss due to electrode array mal-positioning. The application of delicate perimodiolar electrodes has many electrophysiological advantages, however, these profiles may be more susceptible to tip fold-over. Purpose - The prompt realization of such complication following electrode insertion would be auspicious, thus the electrode could be possibly repositioned during the same surgical procedure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEarly cochlear implantation enables prelingual deaf individuals to become full members of the hearing society. Although early diagnostics are widely accessible and enable early rehabilitation, implant surgery often may be delayed due to a candidate's young age. The authors' objectives were to determine the anatomical parameters of the pediatric and adult temporal bone that are relevant to cochlear implantation and to ascertain the differences between them in order to assess whether the anatomical differences could influence the surgical technique and the timing of surgery.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe cochlear implants vary in electrodes in terms of length, width and proximity to the modiolus. The precurved electrode arrays could be placed closer to the modiolus and the ganglion cells compared to straight electrodes. The two types of electrode arrays provide different electrophysiological characteristics; however, proximity to the modiolus may lead to better hearing performance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDuring the rehabilitation of hearing-impaired patients, the preservation of residual acoustic hearing following cochlear implantation by minimizing the implantation trauma allows for improved hearing performance. To achieve this, minimally invasive, soft surgery methods and thinner, atraumatic electrodes were required. In our present study, we reported a case where Cochlear® Nucleus CI532 Slim Modiolar electrode was implanted in a patient with residual hearing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Baha Attract is a new transcutaneous bone-conduction hearing aid, which is more preferable in childhood than the conventional percutaneous systems.
Aim: Our aim was to demonstrate the possibilities of application in childhood.
Method: Eight children have undergone surgeries (mean age of 13.
Background: Passive transcutaneous osseointegrated hearing implant systems have become increasingly popular more recently. The area over the implant is vulnerable due to vibration and pressure from the externally worn sound processor. Good perfusion and neural integrity has the potential to reduce complications.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrevious published results have revealed that Rhinolight intranasal phototherapy is safe and effective in intermittent allergic rhinitis. The present objective was to assess whether phototherapy is also safe and effective in persistent allergic rhinitis. Thirty-four patients with persistent allergic rhinitis were randomized into two groups; twenty-five subjects completed the study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAccurate diagnosis and preoperative planning in modern otorhinolaryngology is strongly supported by imaging with enhanced visualization. Computed tomography is often used to examine structures within bone frameworks. Given the hazards of ionizing radiation, repetitive imaging studies exponentially increase the risk of damages to radiosensitive tissues.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Comput Assist Radiol Surg
July 2014
Purpose: Due to the increasing number of liver cancer cases in clinical practice, there is a significant need for efficient tools for computer-assisted liver lesion analysis. A wide range of clinical applications, such as lesion characterization, quantification and follow-up, can be facilitated by automated liver lesion detection. Liver lesions vary significantly in size, shape, density and heterogeneity, which make them difficult to detect automatically.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRoum Arch Microbiol Immunol
December 2010
Nasal polyposis (NP) affects 4% of the general population, representing a major health problem. In spite of complex (surgical and medical) treatment, the relapse rate is high and it has a negative impact on the quality of life. Recently we found that intranasal photochemotherapy with ultraviolet A light (PUVA) is effective in allergic rhinitis.
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