Publications by authors named "Abu-Omar K"

National policies are a key starting point to achieve changes in population health. This study aimed to provide an overview of the relationship between physical activity policy implementation and the levels of sufficient physical activity across the European Union over the last decade. Data from the 23 indicators of the European Union Health-Enhancing Physical Activity Monitoring Framework established to monitor country implementation of the European Union Physical Activity Guidelines from 2015, 2018 and 2021, and physical activity prevalence data from the Special Eurobarometer on Sport and Physical Activity in 2013, 2017 and 2022 were analysed.

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Humanity is facing a polycrisis, including climate change, loss of biodiversity, and economic inequalities. This commentary examines the role of physical activity (PA) research in the context of climate change, highlighting 3 perspectives: PA as a victim, as a perpetrator, and as part of the solution. The first perspective conceptualizes PA as a victim of climate change, as heat waves, extreme weather events, and high ozone levels pose a threat to health-enhancing PA and sports; adaptation strategies are needed and potentially lifesaving.

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Background: Physical activity referral schemes (PARS) are composed of various components, such as a written prescription or a person-centered approach. The role of these components in their effectiveness is yet to be understood. Therefore, we aimed to explore the relationships between PARS components and physical activity, scheme uptake, and adherence rate; and to estimate the effect of PARS.

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Objectives: This study evaluated stakeholders' experiences of participating in a coproduction process to develop a physical activity referral scheme (PARS) in the German healthcare system. The focus was on examining facilitators and challenges, along with gathering insights on potential modifications to the joint development process, all from the viewpoint of stakeholders.

Design: This qualitative study employed one-to-one semi-structured interviews, and the findings were analysed using summarising qualitative content analysis.

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Background: Accurate and fast measurement of physical activity is important for surveillance. Even though many physical activity questionnaires (PAQ) are currently used in research, it is unclear which of them is the most reliable, valid, and easy to use. This systematic review aimed to identify existing brief PAQs, describe and compare their measurement properties, and assess their level of readability.

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Background: Regular physical activity has positive effects on both physical and mental health. Nevertheless, socially disadvantaged women are often insufficiently physically active. Through needs-based physical activity offers, community-based participatory research (CBPR) projects have the potential to reach these women and increase the effectiveness of physical activity interventions by supporting women's empowerment, health, and health behaviors.

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The concept of physical literacy (PL) has witnessed enormous popularity in recent years and has undergone substantial theoretical evolvement during the last 2 decades. However, the research field pertaining to PL has not yet initiated discussions around the challenges of climate change and the alignment with conceptualizations of planetary health. Therefore, we argue that the consideration of an "ecological domain" for individual physical activity, in the form of ecological awareness, would further evolve the concept.

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Background: Physical activity referral schemes (PARS) are complex multicomponent interventions that represent a promising healthcare-based concept for physical activity (PA) promotion. This systematic review and narrative synthesis aimed to identify the constitutive components of PARS and provide an overview of their effectiveness.

Methods: Following a published protocol, we conducted a systematic search of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, CINAHL, ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, HTA, Wiley Online Library, SAGE Journals, Taylor & Francis, Google Scholar, OpenGrey, and CORE from 1990 to January 2023.

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Background: Even though the importance of physical activity policy monitoring has increased in the last decade, there is a lack of understanding what different approaches exist and which methodology they employ. In order to address this research gap, this review attempts to map existing approaches of physical activity policy monitoring and to analyse methodological aspects, especially with regards to the roles of governments and researchers.

Methods: A systematic search was conducted in five scientific databases (PubMed, Scopus, SportDiscus, Psycinfo, Web of Knowledge) in July 2021, and the identified records were screened independently by two reviewers.

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Introduction: While there are several approaches to collect basic information on physical activity (PA) promotion policies, some governments require more in-depth overviews on the situation in their country. In Germany, the Federal Ministry of Health expressed its interest in collecting detailed data on target group specific PA promotion, as relevant competences are distributed across a wide range of political levels and sectors. This study describes the development of a policy brief on physical activity promotion for children and adolescents in Germany.

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Objectives: With the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 a global pandemic impacted on health promotion, overlapping and hindering efforts to overcome the worldwide pandemic of lacking physical activity (PA). Nationwide lockdowns, the closure of public facilities and sports venues, made it significantly more difficult to sustain community-run PA projects. In our case study, we explore (a) under which circumstances a community-basedhealth promotion project can be maintained during crisis and (b) what resilience capacities are important for community project coordinators to deal with those aggravating circumstances.

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Introduction: The BIG project ('Bewegung als Investition in die Gesundheit', ie, 'Movement as Investment in Health') was developed in 2005 as a community-based participatory research programme to offer accessible opportunities for physical activity to women in difficult life situations. Since then, the programme has been expanded to eight sites in Germany. A systematic evaluation of BIG is currently being conducted.

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Introduction: Regular physical activity provides many health benefits to older adults. As a well-known form of physical activity, cycling can be an appropriate means for older people to meet WHO recommendations and to improve their health. In addition, cycling can help to protect the environment and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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Background: The extent to which people are physically active is dependent upon social gradients. Numerous studies have shown that especially people with social disadvantages do not meet the physical activity (PA) recommendations. A promising strategy to alleviate this issue are approaches that promote PA in the general population.

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Background: In recent years, there has been a global trend toward an increase in life expectancy and the proportion of elderly people among the population. In this regard, it becomes important to promote active and healthy aging. Physical inactivity and social isolation are both risk factors of many chronic illnesses and highly prevalent in older adults.

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Background: The Policy Evaluation Network proposes a consolidated approach to measure comparable health indicators across European health surveillance systems to evaluate effectiveness of policy action.

Methods: In a stepwise approach, questionnaire items used by the systems for measuring diet and physical activity data to describe health indicators were identified based on their validity, reliability, and suitability to monitor achievement of health recommendations. They were collated to unified questionnaire modules and discussed bilaterally with representatives of these systems to explore barriers and facilitators for implementation.

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The promotion of physical activity in people from lower social strata is a public health priority. Previous reviews of physical activity interventions among socioeconomically disadvantaged adults have focused on intervention effectiveness without considering their translation into practice. This review utilised the RE-AIM framework (Reach, Efficacy/Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, Maintenance) to (1) evaluate the extent to which experimental and non-/quasi-experimental trials of interventions to promote physical activity among socioeconomically disadvantaged adults report on issues of internal and external validity and (2) to provide recommendations for future intervention studies.

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Background: An analysis of currently existing partnerships and cross-country collaboration for physical activity (PA) promotion is valuable for understanding how such partnerships operate, and how they impact national PA promotion efforts. This study aimed to outline the formation and development of the European Union's (EU) Physical Activity Focal Points Network, to evaluate its outputs and benefits and to describe its potential and challenges.

Methods: A mixed methods approach were employed, including document analysis, semi-structured interviews with key officials and an online evaluation survey with the focal points.

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Background: Fighting the climate crisis is the greatest challenge of our time and will touch all aspects of people's lives. In this context, the United Nations (UN) have called on the sport sector to reduce its negative impacts on the environment and show 'climate leadership'. While some efforts have already been made with regards to mega sport events, there is still a dearth of approaches on limiting the climate impact of recreational sport and exercise programmes.

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Objective: The aim of this paper was to develop a framework for the use of the capability approach in health promotion projects, which could guide future projects as well as improve the comparability of the projects' effectiveness.

Method: The study involved a three-stage process comprising a total of six steps. We first developed a theoretical model and then analyzed data from four empirical studies that had implemented projects using the capability approach between 2015 and 2018 in the settings of kindergartens, schools, vocational training, and communities to promote an active lifestyle.

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Introduction: Community-based participatory research (CBPR) is an effective health promotion approach for reaching socially disadvantaged groups. However, there is limited evidence on how such interventions and their effects can be reproduced across time and place. The present study examines the effects of BIG (i.

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Background: While effective physical activity referral schemes (PARSs) and related structures for promoting physical activity (PA) already exist in several countries, in Germany, PARSs have not yet been implemented systematically and nationwide. Through a co-production approach with relevant actors in the German healthcare system, a PARS was developed, and an implementation plan was created (e.g.

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Background: Policies targeting diet and physical activity have the potential to improve health and well-being at a population level. However, the impact of these policies in Europe is currently unknown. Based on existing data, as well as on a needs assessment, we derived a catalogue of indicators that can be employed to evaluate such policies.

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