Publications by authors named "Absar Kazmi"

This work investigated the role of operational conditions and typical functional microbes to maximize the nutrient removal efficiency of a pilot-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) system (100 m/d) that treated municipal wastewater. The pilot system was operated in five phases, including start-up and four runs at variable cycle times (2.0, 1.

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Simultaneous biological nutrient removal (SBNR) using an anaerobic-anoxic-oxic phase is the key feature of advanced wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Removing ammonia, total nitrogen, and phosphorus concurrently with organic matter and suspended solids from wastewater is essential to meeting stringent effluent discharge standards via SBNR in WWTPs. More insight into the mechanisms of SBNR, i.

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Emerging contaminants (ECs) in the environment are a cause of concern due to their potential toxic effects. The study investigates the fate of 20 ECs covering a wide range of physical-chemical properties in ten full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The plants were based on conventional technologies such as waste stabilization pond, upflow sludge blanket reactor, activated sludge process, and biological nutrient removal-based technologies such as anoxic-aerobic process, anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic process, biodenipho process, sequencing batch reactor, and densadeg-biofor process.

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The study aims to understand the occurrence and removal of 20 emerging contaminants (ECs) in each unit process of a sequencing batch reactor-based wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and explore the potential of biological activated carbon (BAC) for the treatment of residual ECs and organic matter in the secondary effluent. Analgesic-acetaminophen, anti-inflammatory drug-ibuprofen, and stimulant-caffeine were detected at high concentrations in the influent. Most of the removal was observed in the biological treatment stage in the SBR basins.

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Dewatered sludges from twenty-two sewage treatment facilities were characterized to develop the quality control indices in India. This study used fertilizer index (FI) and clean index (CI) as a tool for categorizing sludge utilization into different classes (A, B, C and limited use classes LU-1, LU-2, LU-3) by their fertilizing potential, toxicity level, pathogen presence, and vector attraction reduction criteria. The findings revealed that total P (as PO), total N, and K (as KO) in the sludge samples ranged from 0.

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Emerging contaminants (ECs) are a growing concern for the environment and human health. The study investigates 20 commonly reported ECs in 10 wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in urban to semi-urban settlements of north India over two years in the summer and winter. The selected plants were based on waste stabilization pond (WSP), up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB), activated sludge process (ASP), anoxic-aerobic process (AO), anaerobic-anoxic-oxic process, biodenipho process, sequencing batch reactor, and densadeg-biofor process.

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Environmental compartments are repositories of probably thousands of emerging contaminants (ECs) released along with treated/untreated wastewater. Despite extensive studies on the detection of ECs in surface water, other environmental compartments such as sediments and groundwater are yet to be thoroughly investigated. To assess the heavy anthropogenic impact on the environment, 24 environmental samples comprising of surface water, sediment and groundwater collected from the Yamuna River basin of India were analyzed via target and suspect screening.

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The study investigates the fate of 20 contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in two full-scale wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) based on the Biodenipho™ (WWTP 1) and anaerobic-anoxic-oxic (WWTP 2) processes. Samples of both the dissolved and solid phases (particulate and sludge) from all the wastewater and sludge processing-related units were studied using the mass balance approach to understand the distribution of CECs. The total mass load removal efficiency for anti-inflammatory (4), antibiotics (4), and hormones (5) was 76, 46, 93%, and 72, 38, 90% from WWTP 1 and 2, respectively.

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Article Synopsis
  • Sewage treatment plants produce a lot of sludge that can be harmful to the environment because it contains new kinds of pollutants called emerging contaminants (ECs).
  • Different treatment methods like anaerobic digestion, composting, and heat are used to help break down these contaminants in sludge.
  • Key factors like pH level, type of sludge, and the chemical makeup of the pollutants affect how well the ECs can be removed during the treatment process.
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Pharmaceuticals, personal care products, synthetic hormones, and industrial manufacturing additives are used worldwide, and their residues are frequently detected in wastewater. In this study, a sensitive and selective method was developed and validated for the detection and quantification of 14 Emerging Contaminants (ECs) with various physico-chemical properties frequently found in wastewater. Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) allowed for extraction and concentration of the compounds.

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Due to their pervasive applications, phthalic acid esters or phthalates have ample presence in all environmental compartments. A principal source of their existence in freshwater is phthalate-laden wastewater treatment plant effluents. For its sustainable operation and biogas production, wastewater treatment scheme of up flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) and polishing pond is more prevalent in developing countries.

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To develop future wastewater treatment systems, focus is to improve/investigate existing biological wastewater treatment processes for the concurrent treatment of conventional pollution parameters (essentially nitrogen) and micro pollutants. Majority of the existing biological wastewater treatment systems were not designed for the removal of micro pollutants. This study focuses on understanding the role of treatment configuration for efficient removal of nitrogen and priority phthalic acid esters (PAEs) from real municipal wastewater in an integrated biofilm activated sludge (IBAS) system.

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Removal of emerging contaminants (ECs) is a serious concern in wastewater industry especially for public acceptance of reclaimed water. Diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) is one of the ubiquitous and detectable plasticizers in municipal wastewater across the globe. Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) has prioritized it for the establishment of discharge regulations.

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A Decentralized Wastewater Treatment System (DEWATS) provides an economically feasible and efficient wastewater treatment solution especially in developing countries. It has an enormous potential for developing a sustainable environmental sanitation system. In this study, the treatment efficiency of eight DEWATS plants was evaluated in the state of Maharashtra, India, for their performance in terms of selected physico-chemical parameters of the wastewater.

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Life cycle assessment (LCA) was used to evaluate the environmental impacts associated with wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Moreover, an economic evaluation was also addressed using life cycle cost (LCC) approach. Emissions associated with electricity production for operating the WWTPs, emissions from the treated effluent and hazardous heavy metals emissions have been identified as the main contributors to the overall environmental impact.

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Moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) is a highly effective biological treatment process applied to treat both urban and industrial wastewaters in developing countries. The present study investigated the technical performance of ten full-scale MBBR systems located across India. The biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, total suspended solid, pathogens, and nutrient removal efficiencies were low as compared to the values claimed in literature.

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Phthalates are plasticizers and are concerned environmental endocrine-disrupting compounds. Due to their extensive usage in plastic manufacturing and personal care products as well as the potential to leach out from these products, phthalates have been detected in various aquatic environments including drinking water, groundwater, surface water, and wastewater. The primary source of their environmental occurrence is the discharge of phthalate-laden wastewater and sludge.

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In the present study, a life cycle assessment (LCA) approach was used to analyse the environmental impacts associated with the construction and operational phases of an integrated fixed-film activated sludge (IFAS) reactor treating municipal wastewater. This study was conducted within the boundaries of a research project that aimed to investigate the implementation related challenges of a package type IFAS reactor from an environmental perspective. Along with the LCA results of the construction phase, a comparison of the LCA results of seven operational phases is also presented in this study.

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In the present study, the effect of three intermittent aeration (IA) cycles on treatment performance and microbial diversity was investigated in an integrated fixed film activated sludge (IFAS) reactor treating municipal wastewater. The results showed that IA strategies were able to achieve efficient removal of organics and nitrogen ranging between 90 and 95% and 70 and 80%, respectively, however the phosphorus removal was found to be inversely proportional to the duration of aeration off time in each IA cycle. The microscopic analysis revealed that the suspended and attached biomass had compact morphology and open floc structure, respectively.

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This study investigated the effect of various intermittent aeration (IA) cycles on organics and nutrient removal, and microbial communities in an integrated fixed-film activated sludge (IFAS) reactor treating municipal waste water. Average effluent biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids, total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) values were noted as 20, 50, 30, 12 and 1.5 mgL, respectively, in continuous aeration mode.

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Phthalates are widely used in plastic and personnel care products. Being non-steroid endocrine disrupting compounds, their exposure have toxic effects on aquatic life and human health. The aim of this study was a comparative assessment of their fate and risk in full scale wastewater treatment along with influence of seasonal variations.

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The contamination level of four phthalates in untreated and treated wastewater of fifteen wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and their fate in a full scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) based WWTP was evaluated in this study. The four phthalates were diethyl phthalate (DEP), dibutyl phthalate (DBP), benzylbutyl phthalate (BBP) and diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP). All compounds were present in untreated wastewater with DEHP being present in the highest mean concentration of 28.

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Removal efficiencies, kinetics and degradation pathways of aldrin, endosulfan α and endosulfan β in vegetable waste were evaluated during rotary drum and conventional windrow composting. The highest percentage removal of aldrin, endosulfan α and endosulfan β in rotary drum composting was 86.8, 83.

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The present study summarizes the start-up performance and lessons learned during the start-up and optimization of a pilot-scale plant employing integrated fixed film activated sludge (IFAS) process treating actual municipal wastewater. A comprehensive start-up was tailored and implemented to cater for all the challenges and problems associated with start-up. After attaining desired suspended biomass (2,000-3,000 mg/L) and sludge age (∼7 days), the average biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removals were observed as 77.

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Article Synopsis
  • A lab study investigated how different supporting media and varying shock loads affect the efficiency of an onsite wastewater treatment system featuring two anaerobic reactors.
  • The research was divided into three phases based on the types of media used, including Aqwise carriers, corrugated rings, and baked clay, with hydraulic loadings simulating peak flow conditions.
  • Results indicated high hydraulic efficiency, peaking at 0.93 with the most porous media at lower loads, and effective removal rates for chemical oxygen demand (80.5%) and total suspended solids (82.3%) even at higher hydraulic loadings, with a plug-flow dispersion model best describing the system’s mixing.
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