Objective: To evaluate the effect of the second dose of measles vaccine on measles antibody status during childhood.
Setting: Immunization centre of Under-five Clinic of the Department of Community Medicine at a tertiary-hospital.
Study Design: Randomized Controlled trial.
Int J Health Sci (Qassim)
January 2010
Background: The Kashmir earthquake also known as South Asia earthquake, hit both sides of Jammu & Kashmir on October 8th 2005 and was quite devastating with official toll of deaths being 73,276 in Pakistan Administered Kashmir (POK) and 1,360 deaths in the Indian administered Kashmir. The injured registering on the two sides were around 100,000 and 6,300 respectively. This was followed by a series of aftershocks on both sides for another 3 weeks
Method: A follow up (retrospective) survey was conducted by the Department of Community Medicine SKIMS, Srinagar in collaboration with National Institute of Orthopedically Handicapped (NIOH), Kolkata, immediately after the devastating earthquake of October 2008 that hit Kashmir (Jammu & Kashmir- India) and northern parts of India with the objectives to know the nature of the injuries, magnitude of disabilities, rehabilitative services provided, and service satisfaction.