Publications by authors named "AR Baldwin"

We report dynamic light scattering measurements of the orientational (Frank) elastic constants and associated viscosities among a homologous series of a liquid crystalline dimer, trimer, and tetramer exhibiting a uniaxial nematic (N) to twist-bend nematic (N) phase transition. The elastic constants for director splay (K), twist (K) and bend (K) exhibit the relations K > K > K and K/K > 2 over the bulk of the N phase. Their behavior near the N-N transition shows dependency on the parity of the number (n) of the rigid mesomorphic units in the flexible n-mers.

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The nematic twist-bend (TB) phase, exhibited by certain achiral thermotropic liquid crystalline (LC) dimers, features a nanometer-scale, heliconical rotation of the average molecular long axis (director) with equally probable left- and right-handed domains. On meso to macroscopic scales, the TB phase may be considered as a stack of equivalent slabs or "pseudo-layers", each one helical pitch in thickness. The long wavelength fluctuation modes should then be analogous to those of a smectic-A phase, and in particular the hydrodynamic mode combining "layer" compression and bending ought to be characterized by an effective layer compression elastic constant B and average director splay constant K.

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The efficient asymmetric synthesis of unnatural alkenyl amino acids required for peptide 'stapling' has been achieved using alkylation of a fluorine-modified Ni(II) Schiff base complex as the key step.

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Using dynamic light scattering, we study orientational fluctuation modes in the nematic phase of a self-assembled lyotropic chromonic liquid crystal (LCLC) disodium cromoglycate and measure the Frank elastic moduli and viscosity coefficients. The elastic moduli of splay (K1) and bend (K3) are in the order of 10 pN while the twist modulus (K2) is an order of magnitude smaller. The splay constant K1 and the ratio K1/K3 both increase substantially as the temperature T decreases, which we attribute to the elongation of the chromonic aggregates at lower temperatures.

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We have extended photon correlation spectroscopy down to a one-nanosecond time scale, and applied it to a study of layer undulations in freestanding smectic-A films of two cyanobiphenyl liquid crystals. Temporal correlations in the intensity of scattered light reveal an interesting combination of under- and overdamped modes. The underdamped mode is accurately described by a recently calculated correlation function of the smectic layer displacement, although its frequency and damping rate exhibit stronger dispersion at large optical wave vectors than expected from current dynamical models for smectic films.

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We report new measurements of the ratio of the electric form factor to the magnetic form factor of the neutron, G(n)(E)/G(n)(M), obtained via recoil polarimetry from the quasielastic 2H(e-->,e(')n-->)1H reaction at Q2 values of 0.45, 1.13, and 1.

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Neutron fluences were measured from 435 MeV/nucleon Nb ions stopping in a Nb target and 272 MeV/nucleon Nb ions stopping in targets of Nb and Al for neutrons above 20 MeV and at laboratory angles between 3 degrees and 80 degrees. The resultant spectra were integrated over angles to produce neutron energy distributions and over energy to produce neutron angular distributions. The total neutron yields for each system were obtained by integrating over the angular distributions.

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In order to help assess the risk to astronauts due to the long-term exposure to the natural radiation environment in space, an understanding of how the primary radiation field is changed when passing through shielding and tissue materials must be obtained. One important aspect of the change in the primary radiation field after passing through shielding materials is the production of secondary particles from the breakup of the primary. Neutrons are an important component of the secondary particle field due to their relatively high biological weighting factors, and due to their relative abundance, especially behind thick shielding scenarios.

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In recent years, cognitive-behavioral approaches to drinking behavior have postulated the importance of alcohol expectancy and drinking refusal self-efficacy in the development and maintenance of problem drinking. However, despite a growing number of publications, the structure and role of these constructs have not been clearly explicated in theoretical terms to date. This article proposes a two-process theory of alcohol use and abuse.

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A developmental approach to smoking education and prevention for children and adolescents is proposed. Literature is reviewed concerning the most appropriate agent, content, and presentation, of anti-smoking education for each of three age groups: children to age ten, pre/early adolescents eleven to fifteen, and adolescents fifteen to eighteen. For children to age ten, it is suggested that parents are the best agents of education, with teachers, peers, and the mass media, also playing some role.

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