Publications by authors named "A V Khiutti"

Tomato stem endophyte Bacillus safensis TS3 was isolated from surface-sterilized stems of greenhouse tomato plants. Here, we sequenced the complete genome of this strain to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying its beneficial activities.

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Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) is a naked, circular, single-stranded RNA (356-363 nucleotides in length) which lacks any protein-coding sequences. It is an economically important pathogen and is classified as a high-risk plant quarantine disease. Moreover, it is known that PSTVd is mechanically transmitted by vegetative plant propagation through infected pollen, and by aphids.

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Potato viral disease has been a major problem in potato production worldwide including Russia. Here, we detected Potato Virus M (PVM), P (PVP), S (PVS), Y (PVY), and X (PVX) and Potato Leaf Roll Virus (PLRV) by RT-PCR on potato leaves and tubers from the Northwestern (NW), Volga (VF), and Far Eastern (FE) federal districts of Russia. Each sample was co-infected with up to five viruses.

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The review considers quarantine species and nematode pathotypes potentially dangerous for domestic potato production. Potatoes are affected by more than 30 types of parasitic nematodes, but the review focuses on the most harmful representatives of genera that cause great damage to potato production: Globodera, Ditylenchus, Nacobbus and Meloidogyne. Phytopathological and molecular methods of identification of species and pathotypes and the main achievements in studying the population variability of parasitic potato nematodes were analyzed.

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The active expansion of foreign potato cultivars on the territory of the Russian Federation has led to a change in the dominant pathogen species and to the emergence of new pathotypes of causal agents of harmful potato diseases. The aim of the study was to evaluate resistance to Phytophthora infestans and Globodera rostochiensis of modern potato cultivars and determine the distribution of fungal and oomycetic diseases on potato cultivars in various agroclimatic zones of Russia. The resistance of 41 foreign cultivars was evaluated to pathotype Ro1 G.

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