In August 2002, an exceptional flood devastated a suburban area in the surroundings of Vicenza, North-east Italy. A fatal case of haemorrhagic pneumonia, which was presumptively diagnosed as leptospirosis, was observed as a consequence of the inundation. A local seroepidemiological survey was activated thereafter, with the principal aim of evaluating the risk of infection with Leptospirae in the population exposed to the flood.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: A study was conducted to evaluate the extent of a Q-fever epidemic through active case finding in the area of Vicenza (north-eastern Italy), and to identify risk factors for Q-fever in this outbreak.
Methods: 1) Descriptive epidemiology; 2) Seroepidemiological survey; 3) Case-control study. 1) Epidemic curve and maps with the location of cases.
Selective rubella vaccination in the 11 years old girls, has been carried out in the Regione Veneto (Venetian Land) since 1974. The rubella immunization rate in teh women born between 1962 and 1978, in five sanitary districts, is 68.25%; the trend of increasing vaccination is continuing.
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