Background: Differentiated tuberculosis care (DTC) approach is the need of the hour to mitigate those risks and provide better treatment outcomes to reduce both mortality and morbidity. Before implementing such an approach, there should be adequate literature on healthcare facility assessment along with qualitative exploration on readiness and acceptability among various stakeholders that are currently needed to fill the gaps in National Tuberculosis Elimination Program.
Objectives: Our study objectives were to assess the availability of equipment, treatment, and investigations for managing patients under the DTC approach, to explore the readiness, acceptability, and feasibility of the DTC approach among healthcare providers involved in TB care provision, and to determine the knowledge regarding DTC approach among healthcare providers delivering TB care for COVID-positive pulmonary TB patients.
Background: Transgender people experience widespread prejudice discrimination, violence and other harms of stigma and trans-phobia (dislike of or prejudice against trans-sexual or transgender people). To study various modes in which transgenders experience the stigma and discrimination and to understand situations and circumstances under which they are vulnerable toward stigma and discrimination.
Materials And Methods: The present study was a mixed-method study which was conducted during the months of January to June 2019 among 43 study participants.