Publications by authors named "A Sparano"

In the present case report, we investigated the cortical networks of a patient (DDA) affected by right parietal stroke who showed a constructional phenomenon, in which when coping and recalling from memory a complex figure, the model was reproduced rotated of 90° along the vertical axis. Previous studies suggested that rotation on copy is associated with visuospatial impairments and abnormalities in parietal cortex, whereas rotation on recall might be related to executive deficits and dysfunction of frontal regions. Here, we computed the DDA's resting-state functional connectivity (FC) derived from cortical regions of the dorsal attention (DAN) and the frontal portion of the executive-control network (fECN), which are involved in the control of visuospatial attention and multiple executive functions, respectively.

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To identify brain hubs that are behaviorally relevant for neglect after stroke as well as to characterize their functional architecture of communication. Twenty acute right hemisphere damaged patients underwent neuropsychological and resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging sessions. Spatial neglect was assessed by means of the Center of Cancellation on the Bells Cancellation Test.

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Background: Vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) is a palliative treatment option for drug-resistant epilepsy. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical and demographic features of selected patients scheduled for VNS and to evaluate the long-term efficacy of VNS in seizure control.

Materials And Methods: Between 2006 and 2013, 32 consecutive epileptic patients (14 male and 18 female) were enrolled at our Institute for VNS implantation.

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Introduction: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is currently considered a promising neuromodulation therapy for refractory epilepsy not suitable for resective surgery. Several anatomical targets and different stimulation approaches have been proposed in order to obtain satisfactory seizures reduction. As expected, according with different patterns of neural pathways involvement, the efficacy of each anatomical target stimulation in reducing seizure frequency varies among the different epileptic syndromes.

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We determined incidence and intra-hospital mortality rate of stroke in Molise, Italy, to provide information for planning regional healthcare facilities and to ameliorate stroke management in this region. This study is part of the "Rete Molisana dell'Ictus Cerebrale (REMOLIC)" study, a population-based Cerebrovascular Registry in Molise, from 2009 to 2013, with a cold pursuit approach. The crude annual incidence rates for total stroke per 100,000 inhabitants, notified by hospital discharge records, were 198 for 2009, 185 for 2010, 169 for 2011, and 176 for both 2012 and 2013.

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