Publications by authors named "A S Vologirov"

Brains from 74 children aged from birth to 12 years were used to study fibroarchitectonic characteristics in topographically and functional diverse cortical zones (the temporal-parietal-occipital subregion, occipital, precentral, postcentral, and frontal areas) of the cerebral cortex; children aged up to 12 months were studied on the basis of one-month age intervals. Studies were performed by computer analysis of optical images on frontal sections stained with Nissl cresyl violet and silver nitrate impregnation by the modified Peters method. Data on the rate of increase in the thickness of radial bundles of fibers, the distances between bundles, and the age dynamics of the ratios of the specific volumes of neurons and fibers in fields 3, 4p, 6op, 17, 19, 37ac, 44, and 32/10 were obtained.

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The peculiarities of fibroarchitectonics in topographically and functionally distinct cortical zones (including temporo-parieto-occipital subarea, occipital, pre-, postcentral, and frontal areas) were studied in the brain specimens of 74 children of different ages (from birth to 12 years) taken with yearly intervals, while those in the first year of life--with monthly intervals. Frontal sections stained with Nissl, Peters and Golgi methods were studied using computer analysis of optical images. The data were obtained on the increment rates of radial fiber fascicles' thickness, distances between fascicles and age dynamics of ratios of volume densities of neurons and fibers in areas 3, 4p, 6op, 17, 19, 37ac, 44 and 32/10.

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