Publications by authors named "A S Nikulin"

Unlabelled: Hypoxia is a part of many pathological and some physiological processes. It also occurs as a result of surgical techniques associated with limiting the blood supply to the operated organs and tissues. Hypoxia leads to a significant decrease in the ability of cells to implement energy-dependent processes due to a reduced contribution of mitochondria to the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

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During the study of algal diversity in pyroclastic deposits of the Kamchatka Peninsula, Chlorella-like green algae strains VCA-72 and VCA-93 were isolated from samples collected from along the Baydarnaya river bed on the Shiveluch volcano in 2018 and at the outlet of thermal vapors along the edge of the caldera on the southern slope of the Gorely volcano in 2020. Identification of the strains was carried out within the framework of an integrative approach using microscopic and molecular genetic methods, including preliminary taxon identification, obtaining nucleotide sequences of the small subunit and the internal transcribed spacer rRNA, reconstruction of phylogenetic trees and secondary structures of the ITS1 and ITS2 rRNA regions. On the phylogenetic tree, strain VCA-93 was clustered in the Micractinium thermotolerans species clade.

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(Naviculales, Bacillariaceae) are widespread, mostly in fresh-water habitats, and account for 343 species. They are described mainly on the basis of morphology and morphometric traits. These characteristics vary during life cycles and may overlap between species, making their identification difficult.

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The presented study is concerned with a new multi-step method to synthesize PtCo/C materials based on composite CoO/C that combines the advantages of different liquid-phase synthesis methods. Based on the results of studying the materials at each stage of synthesis with the TG, XRD, TEM, SEI, TXRF, CV and LSV methods, a detailed overview of the sequential changes in catalyst composition and structure at each stage of the synthesis is presented. The PtCo/C catalyst synthesized with the multi-step method is characterized by a uniform distribution of bimetallic nanoparticles of about 3 nm in size over the surface of the support, which result in its high ESA and ORR activity.

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Soil is a unique ecosystem with peculiar biodiversity that includes cyanobacteria and algae. Traditionally, cyanobacterial and algal cenoses were described mainly using the dominance approach, rarely based on the Braun-Blanquet method (floristic classification). More importantly, in both cases, the species of cyanobacteria and algae in communities were identified using classical methods (light microscopy) only.

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