Background: Many respiratory viruses attack the airway epithelium and cause a wide spectrum of diseases for which we have limited therapies. To date, a few primary human stem cell-based models of the proximal airway have been reported for drug discovery but scaling them up to a higher throughput platform remains a significant challenge. As a result, most of the drug screening assays for respiratory viruses are performed on commercial cell line-based 2D cultures that provide limited translational ability.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe most general description of quantum evolution up to a time τ is a completely positive tracing preserving map known as a dynamical mapΛ̂(τ). Here, we consider Λ̂(τ) arising from suddenly coupling a system to one or more thermal baths with a strength that is neither weak nor strong. Given no clear separation of characteristic system/bath time scales, Λ̂(τ) is generically expected to be non-Markovian; however, we do assume the ensuing dynamics has a unique steady state, implying the baths possess a finite memory time τm.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNucleic acid tests for blood donor screening have improved the safety of the blood supply; however, increasing numbers of emerging pathogen tests are burdensome. Multiplex testing platforms are a potential solution. The Blood Borne Pathogen Resequencing Microarray Expanded (BBP-RMAv.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlant hosts and their viral pathogens are engaged in a constant cycle of defense and counter-defense as part of a molecular arms race, principal among them being the plant RNAi defense and the viral RNAi suppressor counter-defense. Rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV), member of the family Caulimoviridae, genus Tungrovirus, species Tungrovirus oryzae, infects rice in South- and Southeast Asia and causes severe symptoms of stunting, yellow-orange discoloration and twisting of leaf tips. To better understand the possible counter-defensive roles of RTBV against the host RNAi defense system, we explored the ability of the P4 protein of an Indian isolate of RTBV to act as a possible modulator of RNAi.
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