Background: Our aim was to explore patients' perceptions of changes in diet and physical activity in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus and/or arterial hypertension in two low-income districts of Ecuador.
Methods: We carried out a qualitative study of 19 telephone interviews in August-September 2020 with people with type 2 diabetes mellitus and/or arterial hypertension. Interviews were recorded, anonymized and transcribed verbatim for analysis using the social ecological model.
Introduction: The Diabetes Health Profile (DHP-18), structured in three dimensions (psychological distress (PD), barriers to activity (BA) and disinhibited eating (DE)), assesses the psychological and behavioural burden of living with type 2 diabetes. The objectives were to adapt the DHP-18 linguistically and culturally for use with patients with type 2 DM in Ecuador, and to evaluate its psychometric properties.
Methods: Participants were recruited using purposive sampling through patient clubs at primary health centres in Quito, Ecuador.