Publications by authors named "A Melikishvili"

Neurologic complications secondary to heroin abuse in the adult population have been widely described in the literature. With the recent opioid epidemic and increasing rates of heroin abuse in adolescents, pediatricians are now encountering the diagnostic and management challenge of similar complications in children. We report a case of a 16-year-old girl who presented with complete paraplegia after a heroin overdose.

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Background: The Xq22.2 q23 is a complex genomic region which includes the genes MID2 and PLP1 associated with FG syndrome 5 and Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease, respectively. There is limited information regarding the clinical outcomes observed in patients with deletions within this region.

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The respiratory and central nervous systems are intimately connected. Ventilatory control is strictly regulated by central mechanisms in a complex process that involves central and peripheral chemoreceptors, baroreceptors, the cardiovascular system, and specific areas of the brain responsible for autonomic control. Disorders of the lung and respiratory system can interfere with these mechanisms and temporarily or permanently disrupt this complex network resulting in mild to severe neurological sequelae.

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Human ciliopathies are a class of multi-organ genetic disorders caused by defects of proteins expressed at the primary cilium, an organelle present on the cell surface of almost all cell types. Thus far, dozens of causative genes for ciliopathies have been identified and many of them are known to cause allelic disease. Of particular interest is the TMEM67 gene, encoding the transmembrane protein meckelin.

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This article analyzes the proliferation challenges posed by the Soviet AP system and discusses possible nonproliferation strategies to prevent these threats.

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