Publications by authors named "A Manglli"

Among the cucurbit-infecting viruses, watermelon mosaic virus (WMV) and zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) (Potyvirus: Potyviridae) are responsible for severe symptoms on cucumber, melon, watermelon, and zucchini cultivations worldwide. In this study, reverse transcription real-time PCR (real-time RT-PCR) and droplet-digital PCR (RT-ddPCR) assays targeting the coat protein (CP) genes of WMV and ZYMV were developed and validated according to the international standards of plant pest diagnosis (EPPO PM 7/98 (5)). First, the diagnostic performance of WMV-CP and ZYMV-CP real-time RT-PCRs was evaluated, and the assays displayed an analytical sensitivity of 10 and 10, respectively.

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Lab-on-Chip (LoC) devices for performing real-time PCR are advantageous compared to standard equipment since these systems allow to conduct in-field quick analysis. The development of LoCs, where the components for performing the nucleic acid amplification are all integrated, can be an issue. In this work, we present a LoC-PCR device where thermalization, temperature control and detection elements are all integrated on a single glass substrate named System-on-Glass (SoG) obtained using metal thin-film deposition.

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Biochar is a rich carbon product obtained by pyrolysis of biomass under a limited supply of oxygen. It is composed mainly of aromatic molecules, but its agronomic value is hard to evaluate and difficult to predict due to its great variable characteristics depending on the type of starting biomass and the conditions of pyrolysis. Anyway, it could be used as soil amendment because it increases the soil fertility of acidic soils, increases the agricultural productivity, and seems to provide protection against some foliar and soilborne diseases.

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The use of organic substances in integrated pest management can contribute to human- and environment-safe crop production. In the present work, a combination of organic biostimulants (Fullcrhum Alert and BioVeg 500) and an inorganic corroborant (Clinogold, zeolite) was tested for the effects on the plant response to the quarantine pest tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV). Biostimulants were applied to healthy and infected greenhouse-grown zucchini plants, and the vegetative parameters and viral titer were evaluated.

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