Publications by authors named "A M Zayas de Jesus"

A 9-year-old mixed breed cat with a history of recurrent ulcerated skin lesions was diagnosed with nocardiosis. Three months after initiating potentiated sulfonamide treatment, the cat developed goitrous hypothyroidism, characterized by palpable enlargement of both thyroid lobes, low serum concentrations of total thyroxine (T4) and free thyroxine (fT4), and high serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) concentration. Thyroid scintigraphy identified symmetrical enlargement of both thyroid lobes, with increased radionuclide (Tc-pertechnetate) uptake.

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Managing chronic myeloid leukemia during pregnancy presents significant challenges, with limited treatment options available depending on the stage of pregnancy. All existing tyrosine kinase inhibitors are considered teratogenic, especially during the first trimester and should be avoided. In this case report, we detail the successful, unplanned dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy of a patient with chronic-phase myeloid leukemia previously resistant to imatinib and dasatinib who was exposed to the allosteric tyrosine kinase inhibitor asciminib during the early weeks of gestation.

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Predictions of increased drought frequency and intensity have the potential to threaten to forest globally. The key to trees response to drought is an understanding of tree water use and carbohydrate storage. Our objective was to evaluate sap velocity and dynamics of non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) in native trees of a dry tropical forest, during rainy and drought periods.

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Objective: To report the efficacy and safety of interferon-β (IFNβ) neutralizing monoclonal antibody (dazukibart), followed by treatment with anti-IFNAR1 antibody (anifrolumab), in a patient with STING-associated vasculopathy with onset in infancy (SAVI) who had vasculitic ulcers and systemic inflammation refractory to Janus kinase inhibition (JAKi).

Methods: A SAVI patient with a de novo STING1 p.(Asn154Ser) mutation, a known pathogenic variant, and uncontrolled disease received twenty-one doses of dazukibart under a compassionate use investigational new drug (IND) protocol, followed by treatment with the anti-IFNAR1 antibody anifrolumab.

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Regenerative agriculture and the use of bioinputs have been gaining prominence in the global agribusiness sector, driven by the growing demand for healthier foods produced with minimal impact on ecosystems. In this context, compost and its derivatives (compost extracts and teas) are used to provide effective microorganisms to crops, although production processes affect the efficiency of compost extracts, as well as the soil microbiota. Thus, the hypothesis raised was that the organic matter source used for compost formation affects the agronomic efficiency of compost extracts.

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