Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
March 2025
Building differences between genetically equivalent units is a fundamental challenge for all multicellular organisms and superorganisms. In ants, reproductive or worker fate is typically determined during the larval stage, through feeding regimes managed by adult caretakers. However, the feeding care provided to larvae varies significantly across ants, as does phenotypic divergence between queen and worker castes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBehavioral innovations can be ecologically transformative for lineages that perform them and for their associated communities. Many ecologically dominant, superorganismal, and speciose ant lineages use mouth-to-mouth social regurgitation behavior - stomodeal trophallaxis - to share exogenous and endogenous materials within colonies. This behavior is less common in other species-poor, less cooperative ant lineages.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInfected wounds pose a major mortality risk in animals. Injuries are common in the ant Megaponera analis, which raids pugnacious prey. Here we show that M.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSocial insects often display extreme variation in body size and morphology within the same colony. In many species, adult morphology is socially regulated by workers during larval development. While larval nutrition may play a role in this regulation, it is often difficult to identify precisely what larvae receive from rearing workers, especially when larvae are fed through social regurgitation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSocial insects are known for reproductive and behavioral division of labor, but little attention has been paid to metabolic forms of division of labor. Metabolic division of labor is the partitioning of complementary metabolic tasks between individuals, and it is widespread in social insects. We define two forms of metabolic division of labor, homosynergetic and heterosynergetic, we pinpoint trophallaxis, trophic eggs, and cannibalism as the primary transfers underlying the homosynergetic form and discuss their evolution.
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