Publications by authors named "A Kumaravel"

Introduction Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), which contribute to a significant amount of mortality and morbidity in the reproductive life of adults, are infections that can be prevented by healthy sexual behavior and education about the same. This study aims to assess the knowledge and attitude toward STIs and contraceptive use among patients attending the Venereology Outpatient Department (OPD). Methods A hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted among patients more than 18 years of age attending the Venereology OPD, Government Medical College and Hospital, Thiruvallur, India, from March to May 2024.

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Background Worldwide, female breast cancer is the most common cancer (11.7%), followed by lung (11.4%), colorectal, prostate, and stomach.

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Thymoma is a rare, primary neoplasm of the thymus gland, commonly presenting in adults and associated with autoimmune diseases, most commonly myasthenia gravis (MG). Despite its generally indolent behavior, the variability in clinical presentation and potential for malignancy necessitates detailed evaluation and management. In this report, we present two cases: a 41-year-old male and a 39-year-old female, both of whom presented with a mediastinal mass with symptoms of myasthenia.

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Cell surface display engineering facilitated the development of a cobalt-binding hybrid . OmpC served as the molecular anchor for showcasing the cobalt-binding peptides (CBPs), creating the structural model of the hybrid OmpC-CBPs (OmpC-CP, OmpC-CF). Subsequently, the recombinant peptide's cobalt adsorption and retrieval effectiveness were evaluated at various concentrations.

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The novel recombinant Escherichia coli strain was construct through cell surface display for the treatment of cobalt contaminated wastewater and dye contaminated wastewater. First, structural analysis of known cobalt binding peptide was conducted and core binding sites were figured out which showing better cobalt binding ability. The cobalt peptides were attached to OmpC to construct cobalt adsorbing recombinant Escherichia coli.

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