Publications by authors named "A K Zalota"

Coral reefs house a great variety of symbiotic associations, including parasitism. One of the crucial issues in the host-symbiont interactions is the parasites' feeding mode. Does the parasite/symbiont use the host's tissues for nutrition, steal food from the host's digestive system, or take food directly from the environment? However, most of the parasitism in corals is endosymbiotic (endoparasitic).

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The introduction of a large predatory snow crab, , into the Kara Sea is a unique situation where the impact of an invasive species affecting an otherwise undisturbed ecosystem can be observed unhindered by other ecosystem stressors. Trophic interactions are one of the principal relationships between animals and can help assess an ecosystem's stability. The trophic positions and sources of organic material for the most common benthic species of Blagopoluchiya Bay sampled at different stages of the invasion were calculated using stable isotope analysis.

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The introduction of a new species can lead to substantial changes in a new ecosystem. Local and introduced species' survival depends on their ability to adapt to the new environment. Studying such adaptations is often hindered by multiple factors affecting the ecosystem.

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Macrofauna can contribute substantially to the organic matter cycling on the seafloor, yet the role of terrestrial and chemosynthetic organic matter in the diets of microphagous (deposit and suspension) feeders is poorly understood. In the present study, we used stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen to test the hypothesis that the terrestrial organic matter supplied with river runoff and local chemosynthetic production at methane seeps might be important organic matter sources for macrofaunal consumers on the Laptev Sea shelf. We sampled locations from three habitats with the presumed differences in organic matter supply: "Delta" with terrestrial inputs from the Lena River, "Background" on the northern part of the shelf with pelagic production as the main organic matter source, and "Seep" in the areas with detected methane seepage, where chemosynthetic production might be available.

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Data obtained using three different types of sampling gear is compared and combined to assess the size composition and density of a non-indigenous snow crab population in the previously free of alien species Kara Sea benthos. The Sigsbee trawl has small mesh and catches even recently settled crabs. The large bottom trawl is able to catch large crabs, but does not retain younger crabs, due to its large mesh.

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