Publications by authors named "A Jeanjean"

Background: Safinamide is a recent multimodal antiparkinsonian drug that inhibits monoamine oxidase B and modulates the glutamatergic system with positive effects on motor and nonmotor symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD). This post-hoc analysis of the European SYNAPSES study provides first-time data on the use of safinamide in routine clinical practice in Belgium.

Objective: To describe the efficacy and safety of safinamide in Belgian PD patients in real-life conditions.

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Background: In Parkinson's disease (PD), neurophysiological abnormalities within the primary motor cortex (M1) have been shown to contribute to bradykinesia, but exact modalities are still uncertain. We propose that such motor slowness could involve alterations in mechanisms underlying movement preparation, especially the suppression of corticospinal excitability-called "preparatory suppression"-which is considered to propel movement execution by increasing motor neural gain in healthy individuals.

Methods: On two consecutive days, 29 PD patients (on and off medication) and 29 matched healthy controls (HCs) underwent transcranial magnetic stimulation over M1, eliciting motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) in targeted hand muscles, while they were either at rest or preparing a left- or right-hand response in an instructed-delay choice reaction time task.

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Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are fast-flow lesions that may be destructive and are the most difficult-to-treat vascular anomalies. Embolization followed by surgical resection is commonly used; however, complete resection is rarely possible and partial resection often leads to dramatic worsening. Accumulating data implicate abnormal angiogenic activity in the development of AVMs.

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A computational system consisting of an urban mobility simulator, validated fluid dynamics and an integral exposure model, is proposed to obtain cyclist and pedestrian exposure to PM and NO. Pedestrian activities in the urban anthroposphere include walking and running. The computational experiments take place in a computer-generated urban canyon, subject to emissions from diesel and gasoline Euro 5 and Euro 6 vehicular technologies, in continuous and stop-and-go traffic scenarios, and three wind directions at two speeds.

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Background: Household dust often contains aeroallergens, such as the house dust mite antigen Der p 1. It has been proposed that overnight exposure to particulate matter from bedding and other sources may be an important driver of atopic asthma. Whether variability in overnight particulate matter exposure is a significant determinant of asthma control is unknown.

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