Publications by authors named "A J Katan"

Paranjothy and Wade's (2024) meta-review reveals that individuals higher in the personality trait of self-criticism consistently experience more disordered eating than those lower in the trait. The clinical implications of this meta-review are important in that they suggest current theoretical models and clinical practices in the field of eating disorders should incorporate a greater focus on self-criticism. Building on this exciting contribution, we highlight conceptual, practical, and empirical reasons why the field would benefit from supplementing this research on trait self-criticism with investigations of state self-criticism.

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Despite the importance of positive mental health, little is known about its facilitators in people with eating disorders (EDs). Drawing on past research, we hypothesized that self-compassion might be a contributing factor to positive mental health in individuals with EDs. In a two-week daily diary study of women ( = 32) with anorexia nervosa, we investigated whether self-compassion levels-on average, on a given day, and from one day to the next-predicted social safeness (i.

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  • Cytoskeletal protein filaments like actin and microtubules provide structural support and assist with essential cellular processes such as movement and cell division.* -
  • Researchers are developing programmable molecular scaffolds that replicate these filaments, potentially aiding in studying or replacing natural proteins.* -
  • This study focuses on engineering ssRNA tiles with key functionalities of natural filaments, allowing for controlled assembly, stiffness adjustment, membrane binding, and protein interaction, advancing the creation of cytoskeleton-like systems in cells.*
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Background: Mental health is more than the absence of illness and includes the ability to cope adaptively with stress. To shed light on the factors that promote mental health in people with eating disorders, this daily diary study examined whether daily and trait levels of self-compassion predict adaptive coping behaviours in women with symptoms of bulimia nervosa (BN).

Methods: Women (N = 124) who met the DSM-5 criteria for BN completed 2 weeks of nightly measures assessing their daily level of self-compassion and their daily adaptive coping behaviours, namely, their use of problem-solving strategies, seeking and receiving of instrumental social support, and seeking and receiving of emotional social support.

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Nitrogen-vacancy (NV) magnetometry is a new technique for imaging spin waves in magnetic materials. It detects spin waves by their microwave magnetic stray fields, which decay evanescently on the scale of the spin-wavelength. Here, we use nanoscale control of a single-NV sensor as a wavelength filter to characterize frequency-degenerate spin waves excited by a microstrip in a thin-film magnetic insulator.

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