Publications by authors named "A J Eccersley"

Objective: A Colorectal Development Unit (CDU) was established to treat patients with end stage faecal incontinence with the electrically stimulated gracilis neoanal sphincter (ESGN). The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of the CDU on functional outcome and complications.

Methods: From March 1997 to March 2003, 53 patients underwent ESGN formation.

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Purpose: Patients undergoing total anorectal reconstruction for anorectal atresia or following abdominoperineal resection of the rectum do not fare as well after an electrically stimulated gracilis neoanal sphincter as patients with incontinence alone. This retrospective study reports the outcome for the combination of a continent colonic conduit or antegrade continence enema procedure with an electrically stimulated gracilis neoanal sphincter in patients with atresia or following an abdominoperineal resection of the rectum as part of total anorectal reconstruction to overcome combined incontinence and evacuatory dysfunction.

Methods: Between September 1994 and September 1999, 11 continent colonic conduits were fashioned in 11 patients with an electrically stimulated gracilis neoanal sphincter as part of total anorectal reconstruction for end-stage fecal incontinence.

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Background: This study reports the outcome from the addition of a continent colonic conduit (CCC) to an electrically stimulated gracilis neoanal sphincter in patients with severe evacuatory disorder following formation of a neosphincter for end-stage faecal incontinence.

Methods: One hundred and twenty patients had an electrically stimulated gracilis neoanal sphincter constructed for end-stage faecal incontinence. Seven patients developed severe evacuatory disorders; construction of a CCC was required in six patients and an antegrade continence enema procedure in one.

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Aims And Methods: Urgent referral guidelines for patients with suspected colorectal cancer were introduced in 2000. In a district general hospital, we prospectively assessed the effect of these guidelines on the number of urgent referrals received and the number found to have cancer.

Results: Over the first year, 180 urgent referrals were received of whom 95 (55%) fitted the guidelines.

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