Publications by authors named "A I Dubovyi"

spp. are the nematodes from the Dioctophymatidae family which are potentially dangerous for the mammal's heath. The first aim of the present research is to describe the biology, developmental characteristics and epizootology of the spp.

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Background: Birth cohort studies are a valuable source of information about potential risk factors for childhood asthma. To better understand similarities and variations in findings between birth cohort studies, the methodologies used to measure asthma require consideration.

Objective: To review and appraise the definitions of "asthma" used in birth cohort studies.

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This study assessed gene polymorphisms of the CD14 receptor (C-159T) and Toll-like receptor 4 (Asp299Gly) in a patient population in Crimea, Ukraine, stratified by clinical (early versus late onset; frequent versus occasional relapses; fixed versus reversible obstruction) and immunologic (atopic versus nonatopic; eosinophilic; neutrophilic or paucigranulocytic inflammation) subtype. Two polymorphisms, CD14 C-159T and TLR4 Asp299Gly, were assessed in 331 patients with asthma. The control group included 285 volunteers who were nonatopic.

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