Publications by authors named "A G Suleiman"

Background: The use of traditional and complementary medicines (T&CM) among menopausal women has become prevalent due to the concerns on the adverse effects and differing opinions regarding hormone replacement therapy's (HRT) suitability for long-term following the release of Women's Health Initiative (WHI) results in 2002. To date, there have been no studies conducted on knowledge, attitude and practice towards T&CM among menopausal women in Malaysia. In addition, many women seek relief from menopausal symptoms by using T&CM despite questionable safety and efficacy.

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Background: Many patients with unhealthy alcohol use (UAU) access health care in emergency departments (EDs). Scalable supports, such as SMS text messaging interventions, are acceptable and feasible to enhance care delivery for many health issues, including substance use. Further, SMS text messaging interventions have been shown to improve patient outcomes related to alcohol consumption (eg, reduced consumption compared to no intervention, basic health information, or drink tracking), but they are rarely offered in clinical settings.

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Background: Access to affordable and quality care is critical to reducing suffering and mortality from diabetes given the huge economic challenge it poses. Health insurance aims to, among other things, improve the quality of health care services provided to patients.

Objectives: To assess and compare client satisfaction with quality of care among health-insured and non-insured diabetic patients in Kaduna State.

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Recruitment maneuvers are used in patients with ARDS to enhance oxygenation and lung mechanics. Heterogeneous lung and chest-wall mechanics lead to unpredictable transpulmonary pressures and could impact recruitment maneuver success. Tailoring care based on individualized transpulmonary pressure might optimize recruitment, preventing overdistention.

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: During pregnancy, vulvovaginal infections (VVIs), including abnormal vaginal flora (AVF), bacterial vaginosis (BV), and vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), are associated with serious complications and discomfort. We aimed to elucidate the effectiveness of oral probiotics in secondary prevention of VVIs in pregnant women. : A multicenter prospective randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted at three medical centers between 2016 and 2021.

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